The Sky is Falling!

Hundreds of sightings, abductions and first-hand accounts have made it possible to distinguish several distinct alien species that have been in cahoots with military forces, deciding our future without ever consulting us.

Contactee Alex Collier says he was allowed to share some details about these extraterrestrials: “The Draconians are the force behind the repression of human populations everywhere in this galaxy, instilling fear-based belief systems and restrictive hierarchies. […]they’re extremely clairvoyant and extremely clever, and they can also be extremely sinister.” …from Before It’s News

Back on the Planet

Greetings Gaians!
After It’s News, Then What?

I just love how the continued rhetoric pits man against alien, as if man vs. man isn’t enough. I find it to be completely unfounded and more of a ruse than actual truth. Folks love to create drama-driven mythical tales to tantalize the attraction humans have to fear-driven events, like moths to a flame. Just look at the wealth of movies, video games and television created for just such purposes. Even the ‘major media’ outlets are driven to report the news in ways that continue the fascination with fear.

The tall tale tellers generally have something to gain from continuing the ruse. Scientists haven’t said anything about Niburu.. that’s all from Sitchin’s work. Like Nidle, he was very reluctant to have direct eye contact when I met him in person. Something wasn’t right and I certainly wasn’t being intrusive. I listen and I watch, observing details most refuse to see and I report as best I can. It doesn’t make ‘the news.’ It would mean many would have to walk away disappointed that there was no aggressor to fight.

Honestly, by most accounts, any race with the technology as advanced as these are purported to have could ‘take over’ the planet at will… but they don’t and haven’t. The thing is we, as humans, are caught up in the nasty ne’er-do-wells from the beginning of when ruling parties took over the population management schemes for their often selfishly-driven motives. What if there were no antagonist or protagonist in this movie? What if the intent of these races is to get us beyond that?

Belief factors aside, my direct experience from a lifetime of varied engagement and involvement with off-planet and on-planet intelligence beyond human indicates a concerted and willful participation in helping humans to rise above such destructive notions. It is a matter of consciousness, evolving beyond the material world to understand the nature of energy, thought and universal laws. The latter are such that manipulation of space and time are impossible without adherence to a universal prime directive.

The simple truth is we are cosmic consciousness condensed into form, becoming aware of the fact… slowly.

And What of Consciousness?

Pure consciousness appears as sunlight because of it’s nature, light, which we have multiple witness accounts over humanity’s existence but few explanation of ‘how’ it actually happens. All references are such that the ‘intelligence’ imbues the moment with blissful or even effervescent sensations beyond human comprehension. This is on the other side of the fear that precedes the moment of release to the experience fully. The same is true of countless ‘contact’ experiences reported by those who have no vested interest in commercial viability of their accounts.

Hanging on comments from folks that show up in public arenas under the influence, staggering beyond any possible denial of their condition, just seems completely bereft of making sense in any fashion. Most are unwilling to admit their accounts and reflections are derived from angry and hostile attitudes driven by those substances and their personal problems as a result. We are a denial-driven social machine at best until now.

After It’s News, Then What?

Like the notion of a ‘New World Order’ is actually the Old World Order trying to appear hip, Before It’s News seems more like an after effect of mind altering (often numbing) propaganda-driven infomercials that try to sell you sick before selling you well. There is a sale in there somewhere. None of it makes sense from deep inner truth looking places, but it sure makes sense for keeping attention on the propaganda machine.

Consider the nature of data being driven through the world wide web. It’s all light pulses, neither good or bad, just data. It is reflective of our thoughts in how we interpret that data. Nothing is good or bad, only our thinking makes it so. When we are in charge, truly in charge, of how we choose to think and remain free of outside influences, ‘what is’ emerges from within.

In the end, don’t believe a thing I’ve said. Take some time to investigate your own inner truth looking place and make your own choices. I’ve made mine. A true ‘new world order’ is one of harmony among people and planet in my humble opinion. What if that were true? How might it appear in the world currently?

Check out the last article on the Archons for more.

The post After It’s News, Then What? appeared first on UFOlogy PRSS Blog.