The Hypostasis of the Archons

An Introduction By Bernadette Rezak

(with comments by Zen Benefiel)

In this day there is much “talk” about The Archons mostly in the Experiencer circles and more widely in the UFO lingo when speaking about certain Aliens.

Being an Ordained Gnostic Priest and serving as a High priestess since 1990, it seems to me that the subject of the Archons has not had much consideration. The Hypostasis of The Archons is otherwise known as “The Reality of the Rulers” and these Rulers come into play form the very Formation of US.

So I begin this talk with a definition of an Archon in the gnostic terminology.

An Archon, in the Gnosticism of late antiquity, referred to several servants of the demiurge, the “Creator God” that stood between the human race and a transcendent God that could only be reached through gnosis. In this context they have the role of the angels and the daemons of the Old Testament.

Further the Gnostic concept of the Universe is the role played by the seven world-creating archons known as the Hebdomad.

These seven are semi-hostile powers. They are the last and lowest emanations of the Godhead: below them-and frequently considered as derived from them –comes the world of the actually devilish powers.

There are certain exceptions: Basilides taught the existence of a “great archon” called Abraxas who presided over the 365 archons.

The ancient astronomy taught that above the seven planetary spheres was an eighth, the sphere of the fixed stars. In Gnostic teachings, it was in this eighth sphere that the mother to whom these archons owed their origin dwelt, Sophia (Wisdom) or Barbelo.

Hebdomad denotes the seven archons and also the name of the place denoting the heavenly regions over which the seven archons presided. (perhaps the number of perfection is derived from this understanding?)

What is an Archon?

Taken from the Greek word archai it means, “origins, beginning, prior to time.’

In the classical Mediterranean world, archon was commonly used for the governor of a province or any religious or governmental authority. So the plural term of Archons in gnostic texts were “the Authorities”.

Archons, then, are a species of inorganic beings that emerged in the solar system prior to the formation of the earth. A genuine species with their own proper habitat and may even be considered god-like but they lack intentionality and occasionally stray away from their boundaries to intrude on the human realm.  They are said to intensely envy humanity because we possess the intentionality that they lack. (this does not mean they intrude with malevolent intent.)

The Mystery Schools teach that the Archons are an alien force that intrudes subliminally upon the human mind and distracts us from sanity and higher elevation. It is not them to blame for our own actions of inhumanity for we have the potential to follow the truth in our hearts. Deviant and abnormal tendencies of violence and inhumane behavior therefore are a result of weakness on our part to follow our worst human failings, due to intrusion of the Archons on our space. (a lack of understanding promotes fear first; fearlessness comes from seeking understanding of the truth.)

The Archons are also –OUR COSMIC KIN

Psycho-Spiritual –offspring of Aeon Sophia. (An Aeon is a God understood in terms of physics of consciousness)

Inorganic entities are two types: embryonic and reptilian.

They exist independent of humankind. They exist as a presence in our minds.

Risk of invading our minds is far greater than any physical risk they make by breaching the biosphere.

Working through telepathy and suggestion the Archons attempt to deviate us from our course of evolution.

(The notion of the 72 names of God, from the esoteric Hebrew teachings (Kaballistic); 36 greater  and 36 lesser denote those who impart wisdom and those who test it, the ‘invasion’ of temptation.)

The Gnosis Theory of Alien Intrusion

Roswell 1947, the UFO phenomenon, present day encounters, alien intrusion are rampant everywhere. In 1947 an alien ship crashes in Roswell. In 1945 The Nag Hammadi scrolls are found in Egypt, although they were not realized until 1947 where they were brought to the Light, announced to the world.

Gnosis means “inner knowing.” The Nag Hammadi Scrolls were lost teachings of the Mystery Schools and these two major events were happening at the same time on Earth.

Gnostics were Pre-Christian ancient seers that explored the cosmos at large. In heightened perception, Gnostics developed a vast cosmological vision centered in a female deity, the Divine Sophia. The Gnostic creation myth explains, in detail, how inorganic alien beings came to be present in our solar system.

First hand encounters with inorganic beings called Archons, ET’s or Aliens abounded in the Gnostic teachings. They are benevolent or neutral toward humanity.

Physical descriptions of Archons, two types are clearly identified:

A neonate or embryonic type

A Draconic or reptilian type

Descriptions fit the Greys and Reptilians of contemporary reports to a TEE as in Extra Terrestrial!

Gnostic texts use mythological language to describe actual events in prehistory as well as long term developments in the human psyche.

(This information as a clarification from the ancient mystery schools is imperative to understand as we move forward toward Harmony Among People and Planet. We are part of a vast inter-connected network of universal construct, designed to reveal itself to those who seek to understand and unite as ONE.  The continued creation of separative notions is an act of choice, even perhaps unintentional ignorance. The conduit is closing, as we were told in the August, 2002 message.)

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