Aliens Among Us – Human Hybrids

This so reminds me of Ruth Montgomery’s book, and I hope if you haven’t read it that you do so. Alrightythen, the information this video presents I find to be personally conflicting with a vast experiential reality I know to be true for me. It includes several near-death experiences, one of which I encountered hundreds of points of lights that I was informed I was to work with in order to facilitate a new world order (harmony among people and planet) and that it would happen in my lifetime. Incredulous as that may sound, I’ve lived my life accordingly and have developed an understanding and trust with every race I’ve encountered – NONE of them have any intention of invading or taking over Earth… PERIOD. It just doesn’t work that way.

My life experiences also include life-long contact and interaction beyond most of the things you read about and/or hear about all over the Net. I’m okay with being an outcast and social misfit. As a matter of fact, that was  the name of the band I played in for years – Outcasts and Social Misfits. I began contact on board an orange cigar-shaped ship, noted in Ruth’s book as the most common contact experience in the Midwest in the late 50s and early 60s. They’ve progressed to the point where I get pulled in to conferences on board or even ‘somewhere in consciousness,’ occasionally while I’m functioning in an organizer and/or presenter role here on Earth simultaneously. It usually happens during times of respite, though.

The process we are engaging now and what I feel ‘The Conduit is Closing’ referred to is one of the notion of any fear-based living, wherever the notion may find a hook in human consciousness. The natural order of the universe is one of harmony, chaordic (chaos to order) in nature yet, like the tesseract, is constantly moving forward. I’ve witnessed this as a sense of connectedness and ‘oneness’ within humanity at present. There are certainly many who exhibit an advanced sense of knowing, understanding and even living this truth.

Innumerable planetary civilizations have evolved throughout the universe, each experiencing the movement toward a multidimensional experience. There have even been psycho-spiritual technologies presented here for exploration of this potential, and often experiencable,  reality. One such is called the Multi-plane Awareness Technique and I experienced it in 1989. I’ve also made it available online for others and incorporated the 9 Solfeggio frequencies, too. Perhaps it may help you in your own exploration. There is a certain faith and trust involved in the evolution of self toward Self, from ego to Wego. This can be a key component of exploring the realms of cosmic consciousness we have, condensed into these forms as Natural Order.

Now on the subject of human hybrids. I find this notion a bit shallow and certainly separative in nature, but completely understandable as a label put on those who are advanced souls (or whatever you might call them) that exhibit certain behaviors and capabilities of demonstrating, through articulation and actual living, appearing anomalous to most human perceptions.  These sorts, not being out of sort, have often remained hidden and yet influential in seeding the thoughtmosphere, able to use telepathic skills to create multiple levels of communication – human to human and ‘transceivers’ for celestial/cosmic/federation (yes, the Ashtar Command/Galactic Federation is made up of all races, united as ONE to help humanity evolve toward its rightful place in universe affairs) communication.

What humans listening to such things as the video above fail to recognize is that it is shared through human lenses, steeped in duality and inconsistent with cosmic consciousness. Humans, having the choice to stay separate or join as one, often remain separate because of the fear-based notions that have been so insidiously and surreptitiously promoted by a select few humans (read The Lucifer Principle). Humans, because of this, often fear the unknown as something threatening instead of being open to exploring new frontiers in love, the ‘free’ energy that permeates the space between each proton, electron and neutron in the atoms and molecules that make up our physical world.

According to many, I am a hybrid and am known as the son of Ashtar and Athena as well.  Yes, that has to do with the Ashtar Command. It is not by any of my doing personally. As a matter of fact, I’ve been reluctant to accept it and resistant to the notion for decades. Still, it persists and after putting it on the chopping block and whacking away at it for nearly 30 years, I’m beginning to consider it deeper. It certainly would explain why I’ve had so much contact and even found myself facilitating a meeting of hundreds of lifeforms in February of 2001 on board the New Jerusalem, themed with ‘First Contact.’ I cannot deny the experience, nor was it any kind of confabulation no matter how incredulous it sounds.

Regardless of experience or perception of others I’ve lived my life in a way that I am able to garner understanding of how people, places and things work together better (a possibilities coagulator) as well as develop a professional background of demonstrating it. I’ve been in a number of industries, facilitating projects with various missions and visions. One of the latest was as a facilitator for the F-35 Operations and Training Facility at Luke AFB, bringing the stakeholders of the project together in a ‘partnering’ workshop at the Naval Training Center at Luke AFB.

Ron James has some real momentum and poignant points to consider. I Am so thankful for the opportunity to be interviewed on his show, Bigger Questions, that has such great interviews of world-servers and contemporary change-agents….

I don’t know when the post-production of my interview will be done. I can only hope I measure up even slightly to the previous guests. Previous guests include iRobot Founder Colin Angle, Author/Futurist Elliot Maynard, Millennium Project’s Jerome Glen, Dr. Masaru Emoto and Gregg Braden. Apparently I’ve done my homework well. :) I’m continuing, too, with an MIT course through U.Lab: Transforming Business, Society and Self and I’d encourage anyone to take it. They are taking this basic understanding of collaborative conversation to a new level.

So, perhaps what I’ve shared has given you a different perspective to ponder for a bit. I don’t expect you to believe a thing. What I hope is that you begin to test these possibilities, ask better or different questions than previously and observe what unfolds in front of you. If you are reading this, you already have a sense beyond most human understanding, so why not let that sense (or senses) continue to evolve and discover what is about to unfold with a little deeper level of faith, love and trust. It is okay to be skeptical, even to rip it up through all kinds of tests you may know or discover along the way. Eventually, you’ll be presented with the question of whether to accept what you’ve found and enjoy a new living awareness.. or not.

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