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The Relationship Between Energy and Currency

Pao L. Chang, Guest
Waking Times

To find out how energy and currency are related, you need to look beyond the definition of the word currency. This means that you may need to research its origins and use phonetics to help you find the connection between energy and currency. Once you figure out how energy and currency are related, you will eventually know how currency is being used to steal your energy and time.

The Overt Definition of Energy and Currency defines energy as the “ability to be active; the physical or mental strength that allows you to do things; natural enthusiasm and effort; usable power that comes from heat, electricity, etc.” In science, energy is often viewed as a “substance” that can not be created or destroyed. It can only be transformed from one form to another.

As for currency, Black’s Law dictionary 6th edition defines it as “coined money and such banknotes or other paper money as are authorized by law and do in fact circulate from hand to hand as the medium of exchange.”

The word currency originated from the Latin word currens, the present participle of currere, which means “to run.” Now, why would they based the word currency on a Latin word that does not have much to do with paper money or coin? Because it is not really about the paper money or coin. Instead, it has to do with energy.

The overt or unhidden definition of the word currency only shows you its meaning at the surface. To find its deeper meaning, you need to look deep into the hidden layers of this word.

The Covert Definition of Currency

To find the covert or hidden definition of currency, you need to use phonetics and separate the word currency into two words. When spoken out loud, the word currency sounds similar to “current-sea.” What does a current do in a river? It flows to the sea! Sometimes you have to rely on the phonetics instead of the letters to find the hidden meaning of a word.

What are the things that cause the current to flow? The forces of nature (i.e., gravity) and the elevation of the land. defines current as “something that flows, as a stream.” The flowing movement of currents is what causes the freshwater in the river to flow to the sea. Once the freshwater is in the sea, the water is now part of the “current-sea,” or the “current of the sea.”

The word currency also sounds similar to “current-chi.” In Chinese, the word chi means “natural energy,” “life force,” or “energy flow.” Based on these definitions, currency means the “flow of energy.” When you really think about it, currency is a medium for exchanging energy.

When you go to work at a company, the company often pays you hourly. Every hour is recorded to make sure that you are paid for investing your time and energy into the company. After you have worked for a certain amount of time, you are given a weekly or biweekly paycheck, usually on Friday. Once you take your paycheck to the bank to cash it for currency, the currency now represents your time and energy.

The Relation Among Banks, Rivers, and Currency

One important thing you need to know about the words bankand currency is that they are related to the word river. What does a river have on its two sides to prevent water from flowing out of it? Riverbanks! Banks are like rivers because they regulate currency. In other words, they regulate the flow of energy, just like how riverbanks regulate the flow of the energy of water. They did not combine the word river and the wordbanks to make the word riverbanks by accident.

The word currency also has a connection with the wordbattery. The content in block quotation below will show you evidence of this. It is an excerpt from my article titled The Esoteric Definition of Battery.

To find the covert or hidden meanings of the word battery, you need to understand how the wordscharge and battery are used in court and business. Once you learn how to do this and connect the words charge and battery to law, commerce, and business, you will know the deeper meanings of the word battery.

In legal term, when someone gets beaten up, that person is often referred to as a “victim of battery.” If the victim press charges, the person who have committed the battery will be summoned to go to court to face the charges. …

The word battery is an important word in commerce and law, because it has to do with the process of harnessing the energy of humanity. In other words, this is one of the many methods that they used to drain your energy.

This energy is then used by the Controllers to charge their corporations (“corpses” or “dead entities”), banks, and other commerce systems, so that they can keep their game of conning humanity going. Without our energy to charge their corporations and commerce systems, their con game will not have enough power to stay on.

As human beings, we are being used as “batteries.” This is why before we go to court, we have to becharged first. At the court hearing, the judge will read the charges and thencharge them off after a verdict or judgement is made.

If there is a fine or fee included in the judgement, the defendant will be ordered to pay the fine withcurrency. The covert meaning of the word currency has to do with the “flow of energy.” This is why the stored energy in a battery is called “electric current” or the “currency of electricity.”

To sum it all up, currency is what the Controllers of the New World Order (NWO) like to use to secretly steal your time and energy. There are many methods that they like to use to steal your energy using currency. Two of their favorite methods involve the legal system and inflation (a hidden tax on the public).

To learn how they use the legal system to steal your time and energy, read my empowering article titled Did You Know the IRS and the Fed are Private Corporations? Plus, Exposing the Secrets of the Western Court System.

About the Author

Pao L. Chang is the author and founder of and, two comprehensive blogs dedicated to exploring topics about energy, health, conscious living, spiritual science, and exotic “free energy” technology. He loves to explore the mystery of alternative medicine, the science of consciousness, quantum mechanics, sacred geometry, and how energy affects the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual body.

**Author’s Note: This article is an introduction to my fourth seminar titled Word Magic and the Power of Words, which is scheduled for May 17, 2015. ~ PL

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