Date: May 7, 2015

Say NO to Tiny Houses and Big Bullsh… ~ Greg Giles

Living the 'New' American DreamIn the days and on into the years ahead, you will not be able to get through a day without being subjected to an array of media articles, television shows, and all types of advertising for tiny houses, an alleged organi...

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A COURSE IN MIRACLES INTERNATIONAL – The Advent Of A Great Awakening – Episode II

A COURSE IN MIRACLES INTERNATIONAL The Advent Of A Great AwakeningTeachers Convention, BarcelonaEpisode IIThe Teachers Convention

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UFO-Alien Abduction Still Haunts Travis Walton

Excerpt from huffingtonpost.comClose encounters of the FOURTH kind. That's when a person claims to have been kidnapped by a UFO and its reportedly otherworldly occupants.Of course, there's no tangible evidence that anyone has ever been taken aboard ...

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Take a spaceship journey to a galaxy cluster five billion light-years away

Annotated image of the field around CLASS B1608+656

Most of the galaxies visible in this Hubble image are members of a huge cluster called CLASS B1608+656, which lies about five billion light-years away. But the field also contains other objects that are both significantly closer and far more distant — including two gravitational lenses dubbed Fred and Ginger.

These contain enough mass to visibly distort the light from objects behind them. Fred, also known more prosaically as [FMK2006] ACS J160919+6532, lies near the lens galaxies in CLASS B1608+656, while Ginger ([FMK2006] ACS J160910+6532) is markedly closer to us. Despite their different distances from us, both can be seen near to CLASS B1608+656 in the central region of this Hubble image, and are labelled.
Credit:ASA, ESA

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The sun unleashes its biggest flare of the year

Excerpt from

The sun has unleashed its most powerful flare of the year causing radio blackouts throughout the Pacific region.

The enormous X-class solar flare peaked at 6:11pm ET yesterday from a sunspot called Active Region 2339 (AR2339).

Solar flares are powerful bursts of radiation that, when intense enough, can disturb the atmosphere in the layer where GPS and communications signals travel - and scientists say they could get more powerful in the future.

This latest flare is classified as an X2.7. X-class denotes the most intense flares, while the number provides more information about its strength.

Despite the recent radio blackouts, scientists say the flare is unlikely to cause any further major issues here on Earth.

‘Given the impulsive nature of this event, as well as the source location on the eastern limb of the sun, we are not expecting a radiation storm at Earth,’ scientists with the U.S. Space Weather Prediction Center (SWPC) in Boulder, Colorado.

‘We will be on the lookout for new imagery from the Nasa Soho [Solar and Heliospheric Observatory] mission to determine if there was an associated coronal mass ejection (CME) with this event,’ they added.

‘Given the same logic above, however, we do not expect there to be one that would impact Earth.’

Yesterday Kazunari Shibata, an astrophysicist from Kyoto University in Japan, said the sun has the potential to unleash a flare of such a magnitude that it would be larger than anything humans have ever seen.

At the Space Weather Workshop in Colorado, Shibata said ‘superflares,’ that contain energy 1,000 times larger than what we have seen could be on their way.

He said there is evidence of this happening every 800 to 5,000 years on Earth,

Scientists say such a solar ‘super-storm’ would pose a ‘catastrophic’ and ‘long-lasting’ threat to life on Earth.

A superflare would induce huge surges of electrical currents in the ground and in overhead transmission lines, causing widespread power outages and severely damaging critical electrical components.

The largest ever solar super-storm on record occurred in 1859 and is known as the Carrington Event, named after the English astronomer Richard Carrington who spotted the preceding solar flare.

This massive CME released about 1022 kJ of energy - the equivalent to 10 billion Hiroshima bombs exploding at the same time - and hurled around a trillion kilos of charged particles towards the Earth at speeds of up to 3000 km/s.

However, its impact on the human population was relatively benign as our electronic infrastructure at the time amounted to no more than about 124,000 miles (200,000 km) of telegraph lines.

Nasa has also released incredible footage showing the sun unleashing a huge lick of plasma that increased the star’s visible hemisphere by almost half.

The solar filament, which exploded on April 28 and 29, was suspended above the sun due to strong magnetic fields that pushed outwards.

Solar astronomers around the world had their eyes on this unusually large filament and kept track as it erupted.

Nasa’s animation involves images taken from the orbiting Solar and Heliospheric Observatory using its Large Angle Spectrometric Coronagraph.

The diameter of the animation is about 30 million miles (45 million km) at the distance of the sun, or half of the diameter of the orbit of Mercury.

The white circle in the centre of the round disk represents the size of the sun, which is being blocked by the telescope in order to see the fainter material around it.

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See Saturn moon’s ‘soda ocean’ shooting to surface in sheets

 Excerpt from  cnet.comEnceladus may have a warm ocean beneath its icy surface, but it may also be shooting through that crust in big sheets, perhaps filled with sea monkeys.       We already know that Saturn's ...

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Dealing with jealousy & jealous people ~ Soul Connection 34 with Sr Shivani

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European Breakthrough Conferences Report

The European series of conferences began with the conference in Konstanz, Germany. You can read the report from that conference here:

And read the fairly accurate notes from the conference here:
The second conference took place near Eastbourne in UK. During that weekend, there was a very important transit of Venus near the Pleiades cluster:

The energy of that transit triggered a strong infusion of Goddess energies from the Galactic Center and a very demanding purification of outdated patriarchal archetypes. Apparently the energies were too much for the organizer of the conference and to a few of with him associated people and they displayed some very disgusting behavior that is still in the process of being purified. Regardless of that, they did not manage to disturb the conference significantly and the event was still very successful.
You can read brief notes from the conference here:

The third conference took place in Naples in Italy. Naples is located near a triangle of very strong Goddess vortexes and was a strong center of Isiac positive secret societies since the Roman times. 
We had a very balanced and beautiful group of dedicated people and the conference was concluded in balance, love an joy. As a consequence of this conference, the Naples Goddess vortexes triangle was activated and the Naples city energy vortex is being healed,transforming this key city into a point of Light inside the planetary network of Light.
It is interesting to note that there is a vast network of underground tunnels under Naples:
They even grow food in those tunnels, as you can see on this photo I took:

The tunnel system under Naples is part of a main tunnel »highway« that goes from Malta to the Vatican city. According to a local insider I met in Naples, a jumproom was built inside an underground military base close to Naples. This base was part of the Italian secret space program.
You might have noticed that I have not posted any significant intel in the last few weeks. This is because we are in a very delicate period where any release of significant intel could hinder the operations of the Light forces taking place behind the scenes. Soon I will be able to release more.
Let me just say that Jade Helm military exercise will give the Positive Military much needed real life simulation intel for the time of the Event. The cabal tries to spin that military exercise and disseminates fear based scenarios as part of their psychological warfare. I will calm some fears by stressing that the Light forces have said very clearly that the martial law in the US will NOT be introduced under any circumstances. They have also strongly suggested that everyone remains calm and does not engage in any conflicts the Cabal might try to engineer. 
Before more intel about the planetary and exoplanetary situation is released, you can refresh your memory with this video:
Balance your energy field with this resonant frequencies music:
Or even experience healing benefits of the Tachyon chamber:
French speaking people will be happy to know that the Contact with Agartha book is now available in French:
The Breakthrough is near!

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Ten Popular Mind Control Techniques Used Today

by Nicholas WestThe more one researches mind control, the more one will come to the conclusion that there is a coordinated script that has been in place for a very long time with the goal to turn the human race into non-thinking automatons.  For as long as man has pursued power over the masses, mind control has been orchestrated by those who study human behavior in order to bend large populations to the will of a small “elite” group.Today, we have entered a perilous [...]

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What Does ‘Being Spiritual’ Really Mean in Such a Cruel World?

Linda George, Contributor“Man is the most insane species.He worships an invisible God andSlaughters a visible NatureWithout realizing this Nature he slaughtersIs this God he worships.”-Hubert ReevesSo true. We are the most insane species – for many reasons… And this one above all.I’ve been travelling in India. I don’t think there is anything like a trip to India to confront you with some hard truths. India is hard. Many of the people are beau [...]

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Dancing with the Hologram

Zen Gardner, GuestYou have to admit, even if all of this is a construct for some seemingly unknown purpose, this is an incredible world we’re inhabiting. This spontaneous creative Force we’re engulfed in and intrinsically interwoven into is absolutely spectacular despite all the obstacles we encounter.That there’s an invasive parasitic force at work trying to gum up the works and usurp this magnificent design and claim whatever weirdness it simulates as some sort of [...]

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Australia Is Warming up to Medical Cannabis

Here in the United States, medical marijuana quickly went from something that was ridiculed to something that was accepted as having a potential basis in reality, and now, we have doctor after doctor coming out in favor of its widespread medical uses.One of them is Dr. Sanjay Gupta, who you might’ve seen on CNN a few times and who recently started to endorse medical marijuana.Dr. Gupta explained the journey to understand the plant’s medicinal properties in a 2014 article [...]

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What Happens When These People Realize Their World is Not Real?

Sundays, a film by Mischa Rozema and PostPanic Pictures. This brilliant short proof of concept film elegantly dramatizes what happens when people first realize that their world isn’t real. A metaphor for our times, this matrix like reality begins to crumble, leaving the characters with the possibility of an awakening.From VIMEO:Set in Mexico City sometime in the future and starring US actor Brian Petsos and Mexican actress Sofia Sisniega, SUNDAYS is an ambitious philosophical science-fiction p [...]

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