Julie Henderson, Contributor

It behooves us to posit preposterous claims from time to time to provide the world with theheyokah perspective. In Native American tradition, heyokah warriors are members of the tribe who live on the fringe: they perform the opposite of tribal customs to offer asideways door to those with an eye for other worlds. Some heyokah wear warm clothes in the heat of the summer, freeze while wearing close to nothing in the dead of winter, and others blur gender lines as females dressed in warrior garb or men clad in feminine attire. They are the outsiders, the usual suspects, and the subversive undercurrent that infuses the collective with just enough madness to keep its sense of sanity, normalcy, and humility in check. They offer the tribe a glimpse of what their world would look like if they reformed their beliefs or practice in the way of philosophy, cultivation, or activities of daily living.

With that said, I would like to propose the preposterous: that we are all moving backwards in time, and not forwards. We live under the guise and deceptive illusion that we are moving forward, trekking onward, or forging ahead towards new victories and shining moments. History not only repeats itself, but it thrives off of its previous psychic imprint. It is a fact that every living thing places upon the skein of space and time an imprint of its former self. For every version of [you] that has ever come into existence, there exists a space-time frame with your energetic signature or autograph. However, not all of these imprints can be revived, set back in motion, or illuminated to the degree that they would influence your present or past, that is,unless you let them.

This is the season of celebration the cycles of life, death, and renewal. Many gather and commemorate the moment when one who was both hero and villain was restored to life after having been tested, transfigured, and finally transcended the human experience. Resurrections can be set in motion anytime you recall the space-time cross points in your journey in which you felt most at home inside your own skin, deeply in love in the eyes of another, or enamored with life’s subtle mystery. It is best not to wait until you are dead and gone from the grid before attempting to resurrect that within you which yearns to be brought back to life. Time always stops in these moments when we feel we are operating at our best—when every single element that composes the moment orchestrates a synaptic symphony within and throughout our awakened beings. It’s as if nothing transpires after a moment of that quality, which is why we do not journey beyond them on the forward trajectory of time. Once we have married ourselves to the truth that these moments create in our lives, any waking minute we spend once we’ve arrived in our version of paradise is spent rushing backwards to relive, revive, restore, renew, reenact, and resurrect that sacred marriage of matter and spirit.

We are meant to wake up now and retrieve time which has been stolen from us by a synthetic matrix that relies upon the technological smart grid. Every time you take a walk in nature, listen to music instead of the 10 O’clock news, nurse or nourish your sons and your daughters, offer affection to your husbands and wives and lovers, whistle while you work, or prepare a meal with conscious awareness and gratitude for the grain, you are moving backwards in time. That is to say that you are moving closer to those moments when your life achieved a quality of sacredness. A sacred life is one in which you commit to and carry out every act with gratitude, self-awareness, and integrity. That mindset provides you with all the light you need to journey at speeds faster than light, otherwise known as superluminal. Superluminal light moves so quickly that it travels backwards in time, retrieving bits and pieces of information that empower individuals with both hindsight and foresight at once.

We become tacyhons simply dreaming in moments when we awaken to our potential for time travel. We journey forwards and backwards all the time in our thoughts, but how many of us have considered the power of resurrecting the past in order to improve, heal, or resolve our present? It only presents danger if the tactic is being used to manipulate or infringe upon another’s journey, but what if journeying backwards in time could save an entire race? What if reviving and restoring the symmetry, purity, or sacredness of previous life experiences could actually send ripple effects of healing and transmit to the world a message of hope, grace, and truth? Would it not be worth every ounce of effort to root oneself deeply within the fibers and threads of one’s authentic self if only to bring back to life the things and people who colored in our world when our world was absolutely perfect?

The key to retrieving time that has been stolen or otherwise compromised is this: to stop in the middle of the chaos in which you are treading and remember one true thing—whether it be a former lover, a favorite dance song, an embarrassing moment that you can look back on now with laughter, or a moment when you embraced the person next to you with kindness without expectation of reward. We have to remember each other. We have to be sure that none of us goes missing in the woodwork or in all this action. If you are keen on the idea of resurrecting a beauty and symmetry you might have already achieved in your life’s journey, then remembering becomes the greatest asset in your medicine bag. To remember everything and everyone in as much detail as you can is to offer a resurrection, the bliss of redemption, and the resolve of absolution to every soul you have ever met, known, or loved.

We are forced to face our own music at some point. We are called to clear the decks and release ourselves from accumulated pain, sorrow, anger, fear, or frustration to make way for whatever or whomever brings us happiness. There is always a death followed by introspection, transformation, and renewed growth. Resurrections are always on the table for anyone interested. The psychic imprint of their potential is still accessible in your energetic signature throughout space and time. Ask yourself first, when did you realize you had come back to life? Find [those moments] that still live inside you, and if your life has taken a toll, if you feel yourself flatlining and yearning for a life of passion once again, then root yourself in your own Revival and roll away the seal of the tomb. It’s time to turn the lights back on inside, and soon, to go out…

About the Author

Julie Henderson is a native to the San Francisco Bay Area whose journey and writing has appeared in anthologies, literary magazines, and online journals including In5d.com. In addition to writing, she is a 3-D installation artist, photographer, singer/songwriter, metalsmith, and urban Taoist. Find her on the web here, http://www.myspace.com/juliehendersonmusic, and here, http://www.shewrites.com/profile/juliehenderson.