FREE-WPNew Hope for Contactees

There is a groundswell of activity on an entirely different level than traditional ufological research, something that has been ever-present yet kept out of the limelight for various reasons. Those reasons vary from possible incredulity to outright denial of the possibility, but let’s face it folks, we’re not alone and the communication circuits have been open for a long time.

Scott Mandelker’s book From Elsewhere: Being ET in America brought out many such ‘contactees’ and their experiences. Their ability to communicate experiences and share the ‘message’ from others was often poorly articulated and, quite frankly, sounded like new-agey gobbledigook most of the time. So, how could anyone really take them seriously, huh? Today, nearly 30 years later the scene is much different.

The growing numbers of ‘contactee’ experience now includes professional people across nearly every industry imaginable, including the realms of astro- and quantum physics. Well respected academicians and researches are discovering that there is much more to the story than meets the proverbial eye (third or otherwise) and the notion of an expanded consciousness capable of perceiving into other realms is tantamount to the new discoveries.

If you’ve had experiences and would like to participate in the research and sharing amongst fellow contactees, please explore the survey hosted on the FREE Website.

Here’s more…

Foundation for Research into Extraterrestrial Encounters

We at FREE, the Foundation for Research into Extraterrestrial Encounters, are undertaking the first ever comprehensive ACADEMIC research project on the ET Contact Phenomena–   The FREE Experiencer Research Project.   Our study will focus on individuals who have had any type of “Contact” with ETs, who we are defining as a “Non-Human Intelligent Being”, but the primary focus will be on UFO related ET contact.

FREE was established with the insistence and guidance of Dr. Edgar Mitchell, the 6th man on the moon, and Dr. Rudy Schild, Emeritus Professor of Astro-Physics at Harvard University.  Both are founding members of FREE’s Board of Advisors.

No one has ever attempted this type of study on Experiencers before– it will be the first comprehensive ACADEMIC study on the ET contact phenomena involving a series of two surveys and a formal interview.  Phase 1 is our initial survey that is already embedded in our website.  A more extensive survey, our Phase 2 survey, will be provided to those individuals that choose to participate in our formal interviews.  The formal interview will be the Phase 3 component of our study.

The FREE Experiencer Research Project is being supervised by 2 retired Professors of Psychology–   Dr. Jon Klimo, the world’s leading expert on the so called “Paranormal” phenomena, and Dr. Leo Sprinkle, the pioneer in the research field of “ET Contact” who published his first article on this subject in 1962.  By the way, both Dr. Klimo and Dr. Sprinkle are “Experiencers”.

Dr. Klimo is the Chair of our research project.  Dr. Klimo has chaired over 250 Ph.D. dissertations, 75 of them on the topic of the “paranormal”.  Dr. Klimo has also taught “Research Methodology” for over 40 years.

Other members of our research project are: Mary Rodwell, Whitley Strieber, Barbara Lamb, Ralph Steiner, Kathleen Marden, Denise Stoner, Giorgio Piacenza, Dr. Joe Lewels, Dr. Michael Melton, Chase Kloetzke, and several other members. This is the cream of the crop when it comes “ET Contact Researchers”.  Most of these individuals have worked with “Experiences” for over 25 years.

The ET Contact Phenomena comes in “all flavors and colors”– some Experiencers perceive their experiences as extremely positive while some as extremely negative, and so many in between.  FREE does not take any position regarding what might be the “ET Agenda”.  We might have our own personal individual hypothesis and beliefs, but as an organization we stand neutral on the ET Agenda issue.  The ET Contact Phenomena is extremely complex and we agree with Einstein when he said: Whoever undertakes to set himself up as a judge of Truth and Knowledge is shipwrecked by the laughter of the gods.

ANONYMITY: As a participant for our 2 surveys and formal interview, you have a choice to Rey and Dr. Mitchell,remain “ANONYMOUS”. There will be no way for us to find out who you are and where you live if you wish not to identify yourself.

Please inform all “Experiencer”, individuals that have had any type of “Contact” with an ET (a “Non-Human Intelligent Being”), about our FREE Experiencer Research Project and encourage them to take our initial survey that is located in our website.

UFOlogyPRSS Curator, Zen Benefiel, will be hosting Co-Founder Rey Hernandez during the 2015 IUFOC so look for us at the event and absolutely feel FREE to engage. Reach out to either one of us if you would like to schedule some time while at the event.

Should you have any question about our research project please send us an email to:  FREE@EXPERIENCER.CO

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