We all, thankfully, have to leave this world and return home eventually, one day, when it is time. This is an inevitable fact of our journey here. With this in mind, can you think of any other way to leave here that allows a soul to look back and reflect upon their lives, their lessons learned and their lessons perhaps missed? That permits a soul to see their loved ones one last time to properly say farewell – for now at least? Can you think of any other way to leave here that affords enough time to prepare oneself for the incredible journey ahead? 

Can you imagine the sadness a soul must feel if he or she passed away suddenly, leaving no time whatsoever to say goodbye to all those who they have loved so dearly? Could you imagine the shock a soul may feel upon suddenly being whisked away to awaken on the  other side, having absolutely no idea their time was approaching? Could you imagine what that kind of departure would do to many souls? 

Yes, there is no doubt, cancer is a terrible disease that ravages the body and many times causes great pain, but could this be the universe’s way to assist someone overcome perhaps the greatest obstacle to leaving this plane and returning home – letting go? 

With all these gifts that cancer brings, can it be such a curse?

Greg Giles