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Convincing UFO Response

advice - thoughtContinuing the Convincing of UFOs

… a convincing response to Dr. Joeseph Burkes

Ah, the photo from the first IUFOC poster back in 1991. It was a grand event in Tucson, a collaboration initiated by Retired Col. Wendelle Stevens, Bob Brown and Bob Dean (I think)… with a little help from Ted Loman and Jim Dilletoso. Riding down from Phoenix was the first time I’d ever been in a limousine, courtesy of Roy Haddix who was a long-time friend of Jim’s. These guys were investigators and thinkers, hoping to share their passion and purpose – disclosure and exposure of VIPs (Veritable Intelligence Patterns) and UFOs to the public.

I agree with you about the blinds coming down and the glossy eyes, Joseph, but for different reasons. The subject material, after the initial fascination wears off, causes one to have to think deeply about their belief systems, concepts of reality and personal relationships in the world. Thinking deeply is not a comfortable place and many, if not most, run from the invitation. I’ve even seen it in classrooms where I’ve challenged students to think deeper by applying the Socratic method.

People tend to want to be told how, what and who to do with no accountability and responsibility for their own thinking or acting. Their eyes are dull, their minds are chaotic and their capacity for intelligent conversation is challenged. The shades are drawn and nobody is home. The deer in the headlights is only moved by the deflection of pointed questions and the inability to say, “I don’t know,” without having to defend some position. The wise are doubters, willing to put their truth on the chopping block at any given moment.

It appears that even those deeply invested in the ufology field also have that limitation at certain points where their previous concepts and/or professions of understanding are threatened. They can quite confidently go up to the edge of the cliff, only to run back to the comfort of the past prejudicial and psychological denials when threaten with new information. These actions are most often toward experiencers who present possibilities that cause them to consider what one might call quantum concepts within the mental frameworks of established ufological authority.

Now the past attempts at communicating concepts through ‘contactee’ interviews, statements and writings have often fallen short of the articulation and tone of believability. Scott Mendelker’s work is an example. The interviewers of contactees presented nearly a ‘lost in space’ perception due to the style and words used in their individual articulations. Striving to be considerate of the audience and presenting information so that it is palatable as well as understandable is something authors don’t always consider.

Perhaps because of that early miscommunication, so many contactees are frustrated with the lack of attention paid to the ‘real’ things that are going on above and beyond the standard ufology-focused consideration and events. We’ve moved on from phenomena, sightings and even in some cases the need for disclosure. There has been very little attention paid to experiencers. It’s a subject that has still not garnered the deserved attention it needs, withholding what I think you’ll agree is pertinent information necessary for our beneficial and effective personal and planetary evolution.

Grant’s recognition of the cycles of patterns in ufological behavior appear to be leading to an even greater awareness of not only interactions, but a kind of bio-spiritual evolutionary process that may indeed include those who have been introduced to the population as ‘hybrids’ of sorts. They [hybrids] appear to have little knowledge of who they are until the natural cycles of maturity and the internal questions of connection and service begin to surface. If you were one of them, who would you turn to for help in understanding what was happening?

It’s no longer just ‘wonders in the sky’… it’s here and now, right in front of us. How we will negotiate with that potential or ‘truth’ is yet to be seen. FREE has begun that process with their surveys and promotion of a new focus on experiencers’ encounters and collective information. The new sciences, both material and psycho-spiritual, are soon to advance our planet as many of us believe possible, toward harmony among people and planet with the open interaction with our interstellar relatives. That’s what I’m hoping for anyway.

Thanks for your vigilance, Joe and especially to Rey Hernandez and Dr. Edgar Mitchell for continuing to move forward with consideration and mindfulness.

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