Category: 2014 (page 4 of 30)

Objective Reality vs. Perceived Reality

John Perkins, EvonomicsMy success as chief economist at a major international consulting firm was not due to the lessons I learned in business school. It was not due to the competence of my staff of brilliant econometricians and financial wizards.Those things may have helped at times. But there was something else that made it all happen. That something else was the same something else that elevated George Washington, Henry Ford, Mahatma Gandhi, Mother Theresa, Martin Luther King Jr, [...]

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The Emerging ‘Mark of the Beast’ System

Steven Tritton, New Dawn“Sleepwalking into the Surveillance Society”Modern technology has created a brave new electronic and borderless world. Surveillance and biometric capturing technologies have advanced significantly in recent years. ID programs have modernised with the likes of ID smartcards linked to huge databases enabling fast and secure electronic authentication among other surveillance functions.Advances in digital technologies have made it possible now to const [...]

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Why the Government Refuses to Turn Against Monsanto

Ready Or Not ... Here We Come! A Message From Archangel Michael/Ashtar Sheran

Dr. Mercola, GuestIn the video below, Funny or Die pokes fun at Monsanto’s “feeding the world” message by highlighting some of the most obvious features of genetically engineered (GE) foods, such as the unnatural crossing of genetic material between plant and animal kingdoms, the use of toxic chemicals and Monsanto’s ever-expanding monopoly.​“I own everything!” Mama Monsanto exclaims, and that’s pretty close to the truth. Monsanto [...]

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Cannabinoids: The Other Vitamin ‘C’?

Ready Or Not ... Here We Come! A Message From Archangel Michael/Ashtar Sheran

Dr. Matthew Buckley, PSc.D., ContributoresThroughout the nation, one of the hottest social and political discussions right now is whether or not we should legalize marijuana. I believe that when examining what is known about the utility and the importance of the marijuana plant, specifically as it relates to health, it becomes clear what a grave mistake it is to deprive ourselves of this truly nutrient rich plant. I believe that its cannabinoid compounds meet the definition of & [...]

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Infants Deeply Traumatized By Common Medical Procedures

Just Up Ahead...and Right on Schedule -- Sirian High Council -- Patricia Cori

Sayer Ji, Green Med InfoA concerning new study suggests that decades of medical procedures performed on infants without pain management has had deeply traumatizing effects.A groundbreaking study published in eLife titled, “fMRI reveals neural activity overlap between adult and infant pain,” demonstrates that the infant pain experience, despite long held assumptions to the contrary, closely resembles that of adults.Researchers discovered that when  [...]

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The Chilling History of Monsanto’s Rise to Power

Dr. Mercola, GuestIn the featured video, journalist Abby Martin discusses Monsanto’s rise to power and how the company has managed to saturate the global environment with its toxic chemicals, largely through immoral means.In May, the University of San Francisco revealed the results from a testing project that began in 2015. The tests, commissioned by the Organic Consumers Association (OCA), found that 93 percent of Americans have detectable levels of the chemical glyphosate in [...]

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Empowering Wisdom to Free You From Debt Slavery

M.J. Higby, Contributor“It was apparent that materialism was in complete control of the economic structure, the final objective of which was for the individual to become part of a system providing an economic security at the expense of the human soul, mind and body.” – Manly P. Hall​We are born into this world with the most amazing tool to shape our life: an open mind, a brain without connections. We spend the first five or so years navigating the outside [...]

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How the ‘Land of the Free’ Became the Home of the Slaves

Cortland Pfeffer & Irwin Ozborne, Contributors“Prisoner number……It is time to go home.The most beautiful words she had ever heard, as she dreamt about the day that phrase would be uttered for the past ten years. Today, she will get to see her daughter that has been out of her life and begin the process of reunification. As she takes her first steps outside the prison walls in a decade, it is like stepping into a foreign land. Outside the concrete confinem [...]

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Compassion, Christianity or Consumerism? The True Meaning of Christmas

Cortland Pfeffer & Irwin Ozborne, ContributorsChristmas has become symbolic of all that is wrong with our society. Much like the Grinch, whose heart was three sizes too small; our hearts have diminished in size due to the culture of fear, conformity, and consumerism in which we reside. As a result, we have lost sight of the true meaning of Christmas, and celebrate it in ways that are in direct opposition to its original intent.This year, on Black Friday, I was remi [...]

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The False Flag Formula – 15 Ways to Detect a False Flag Operation

Makia Freeman, ContributorA false flag formula is becoming readily apparent in the face of so many mass shootings and bombings in the US. The phenomenon has become so commonplace in the last 3 years that it’s becoming more American than apple pie. According to, there have been 353 mass shootings in the USA for 2015 so far. However, as scary as that number is, the good news is that you don’t have to be afraid of them like y [...]

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Exposing Bilderberg – The Big Club That You’re Not Part Of

Phillip Schneider, StaffThere is a lot to know when it comes to current events, but to someone who doesn’t know about hidden powers such as the Bilderberg group these events might not be fully understood. Knowledge of this powerful group is absolutely essential if you want to have a grasp not only on what is happening, but why it is happening, and what influences might be behind current events. Most people still don’t know about this group, but many more ar [...]

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Hanging Ten Over the Apocalypse with Belief in Our Essence

Sol Luckman, GuestI believe … a most curious phrase. We’ve heard about the biology, but what is the etymology of belief?Belief stems from Old English and once meant trust in God. This made belief a close bedfellow of faith.But with the spiritual-materialist split known as the Enlightenment, where soul and body were declared by Church and State to have parted ways, we in the West lost our faith as belief came to mean merely mental acceptance of a [...]

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Event Meditation Report

  Our Event Meditation was a huge success and we were very close to reaching the critical mass. Dragon sources have communicated that positive timeline has been deeply stabilized and the Resistance has communicated that one huge layer of strangele...

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