SETI_logo_CMYKSETI Contact – Blue Sky?

The SETI Institute’s Jill Tarter makes her TED Prize wish: to accelerate our search for cosmic company. Using a growing array of radio telescopes, she and her team listen for patterns that may be a sign of intelligence elsewhere in the universe. Jill gives a wonderful talk about the diversity of creation, offering possibility and probability of the discovery of intelligent life beyond our current capacity to understand them. The latter is an extrapolation of the content of her talk. The message was that we need to continue to look for indicators based on our capacity to interpret data. Technological developments will likely increase our view.

Light, Sound and Psience.

Speaking of increasing our view, the discovery of intelligent life may also include an internal experience currently unavailable for scientific observation. This can get into some very subjective conversations for sure. Yet there are some indicators of potential life in other dimensions imperceptible to measurement, but nevertheless the apparent experience of a number of people. Science is offering a multitude of possibilities, so would it also follow that there might be an experience of some intelligence or intelligent region of consciousness as proof, a new living reality that could even be quantifiable as a logic path?

Let’s say there is a logic path for us to perceive that leads us to new conclusions, since our current ones haven’t shown much success. How might it show up and what might it offer experientially? If we look at our capacity for cross-referencing, the first thing we might look it is our common denominator, at least for life on Earth. We have a common thread that bonds us all together, like the number of man.

We are carbon-based life forms, ‘we’ being an indigenous view of the vast family and relatives sharing this world. We also have an electromagnetic device that runs our bodies and allows us to explore vast realms of feelings and thoughts, not to mention the physical activity we may be involved in when those myriad thoughts occur. Brilliant minds and creative sorts concur that stream of consciousness doesn’t have to be linear or even sequential. M theory would seem to validate the existence of time and/or space distortions. The other 90% of the brain, perceived to be dormant by some, might be linked in.

Carbon fibers are now being used to create super computers capable of massive data calculations far beyond any computer to date. There seems to be a relationship between carbon and silicon, though. Silicon allowed humans to create simulated brain functions and speeds considerably more than humanly possible, although there have been some exceptions to the rule. I find it amusing that it is the second most plentiful element in the Earth’s crust, behind oxygen which is the third most prevalent element in the universe.

So what does this have to do with the search for extraterrestrial intelligence? Based on the above, I assert that there is a bridge between worlds that can be experienced, but not in the traditional linear sense. It seems to happen in spurts and sputters, based on reports. If we consider multiple dimensions, then we must also consider each to have a different time/space relationship with our own.It seems we have some clear pointers, but to where?

It would also offer consideration for potential bleed-over that is observable and recurrent in at least a number of unrelated individuals, possibly a collective experience of others in collaboration. It would be one that offered an irrefutable experience of connectivity with something beyond each individual, associated with a general activity and potentially specific to the individual as part of a cohesive unit.

Is that too much of a leap in logic? Where might we look for SETI’s missing link, the bridge of inner and outer realities that would support this? Might we be on a kind of mobius strip as a result, moving in and out of realities in manners not currently comprehended by the human mind, yet presented in blipverts nevertheless? Those snippets of conscious and/or physical experience might offer clues to a larger reality, but conversations have to form in order to do validate it. Who’s on the short list?

So if there is an experiential component to this expansion of reality, what might it look like. Well, it might look like a myth evolving through many contributors who may not even be aware of each other initially. If we look to the Web, there is a thread that may offer insight. The name of the thread is the Galactic Federation (sometimes ‘of Light’ is included). In some cases a specific division known as the Ashtar Command is also prevalent. They simultaneously began showing up a few years after Roswell and have been gaining attention for decades of Earth time.

What are they? What do they say? Nearest I can figure is that their messages are generally experienced internally, like a neuro-network in subspace or potentially a different dimension that something, some change in our awareness, allows its perception. It appears some have had this capacity for perception the entire lives while others experience an event that shifts their perception. The latter could be a near-death, a spiritually transformative or even direct contact with other seeming off-planet races. They all have similar takes on the Galactic Federation being an advanced group of intelligent life forms that communicate the need for human transformation in a variety of ways.

There are many so-called ‘channels’ or ‘messengers’ of the Galactic Federation, with claims of being from other star-systems usually including Andromeda, Arcturus, Centaurus, Orion, Pleiadean and dozens more. These channels are consistent in the presentation of a theme, like harmony among people and planet, as their objective. They are inconsistent, however, with the manner in which this will occur, citing direct involvement to an evacuation plan. Neither of which is pertinent to the underlying message to humanity, “Live as One.”

What is pertinent is the practical approach to understanding the communication we are receiving, both internally and externally. Ships shutting off missile silos in the 60s is an example of direct contact externally. Another might be the deciphering of the message in the binary disc that was part of a crop circle formation in August of 2002. The binary disc decoded: “Beware of the bearer’s of gifts and the broken promises. Much pain but still time. Believe there is good out there. We oppose the deceivers. The conduit is closing.”

The message seemed to carry a logical theme, understood to be the trials and tribulations of humanity, with some encouragement for the future. The puzzling reference is, ‘the conduit is closing.’ What could that mean? When coupled with opposition to deception, it might mean that those who’ve been able to deceive people will be exposed and/or vanish from the scene somehow. Common sense would dictate a collaborative action of concerned planetary citizens to be necessary.

So back to the topic of the missing link the internal experience. Is there an experiential bridge to the community of consciousness theoretically present within M theory? If so, what might it look like or better yet, how might we engage it and learn more? I’m sure more doorways exist, yet I know of one that works particularly well for preparing the way. It is called the ‘Multi-Plane Awareness Technique’ and was developed by William Swygard in the 1950s, so it has been in use for half a century now and my personal experience with it was nothing less than profound beyond explanation at the time.

As far as I know, there is no other recorded version available. It has traditionally been conducted with a facilitator who took notes of the experience as offered by the experiencer. A trained hypnotherapist or one who offers guided meditations can learn it quite easily and use it with their clients or cohorts in the unveiling of this cosmic mystery. My goal is to provide the opportunity for a direct experience of multiple dimensions of consciousness with the possibility of aligning them for greater self-awareness and functionality in this world. I’ve made it available on Amazon as an MP3 for a whopping $.99….…

If indeed our quest for extraterrestrial life turns out to be initiated from within, then we might have the next clues for our journey toward a new world order that serves humanity through the redistribution of resources to say the least. When we reduce or remove the need for violence, the good-will of others increases exponentially. I’d like to offer that further consideration and study be given to the link between worlds as a conscious experience, whether it turns out to be a function of the Galactic Federation or not.

If we are going to find harmony in the chaos around us, then we might begin to look where we haven’t. Like Einstein said, we cannot fix our problems with the same tools that created them. In this case, those tools created a disconnect between worlds. Maybe its time to think about restoring them, or at least finding out if they really exist. For me, they seem to be in unquestionable ways, yet the collective experience is still quite undecided as the challenge to recognize and change fear-based belief systems is ever-present.

Maybe that is the conduit that is closing, allowing free will to expand into new realms, some ofPaul+Hellyer2 which may hold the keys to our transformation as a planetary civilization learning to share a planet and its resources without distractions from unethical practices used to command and control populations. That is so old school; so last century. It’s time we grew up, not only in our behavior; in our thinking about life and our star families waiting for us to be safe for them. They’ve already proven beyond a doubt they are safe for us according to Paul Hellyer, retired defense minister for Canada.

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