Online Dating Statistics Data
Total number of single people in the U.S. 54,250,000
Total number of people in the U.S. who have tried online dating 41,250,000
Total eHarmony members 15,500,000
Total members 21,575,000
Number of questions to fill out on eHarmony survey 400
Annual revenue from the online dating industry $1,249,000,000
Average spent by dating site customer per year $239
Average length of courtship for marriages that met online 18.5 Months
Average length of courtship for marriages that met offline 42 Months
Percent of users who leave within the first 3 months 10 %
Percent of male online dating users 52.4 %
Percent of female online dating users 47.6 %
Percent who say common interests are the most important factor 64 %
Percent who say physical characteristics are the most important factor 49 %
Percent of marriages in the last year in which the couple met on a dating site 17 %
Percent of current committed relationships that began online 20 %
Percent of people who believe in love at first sight 71 %
Percent of women who have sex on the first online dating encounter 33 %
Percent of people who say they have dated more than one person simultaneously 53 %
Percent of sex offenders who use online dating to meet people 10 %
What’s more important on a first date  
Personality 30 %
Smile & Looks 23 %
Sense of Humor 14 %
Career & Education 10 %
Type of hair color most people are attracted to  
Blonde 32 %
Brown 16 %
Black 16 %
Don’t Mind 16 %
Red 8 %
Bald 8 %
Gray 4 %
Girls Prefer  
Nice Guys 38 %
Bad Guys 15 %
Blend of Both 34 %
Any man I can get 6 %
Guys Prefer  
The modern career girl 42 %
The girl next door type 34 %
The hottie 24 %
Online Dating Facts
A woman’s desirablility online peaks at 21
At 26, Women have more online pursuers than men
By 48, Men have twice as many online pursuers as Women
Men lie most about; Age, Height, Income
Women lie most about: Weight, Physical Build, Age