

Excerpt from 

 The flash was bright enough to be picked up by a NASA camera over 500 miles away

The American Meteor Society has received over 200 reports about a bright fireball over San Antonio Texas Saturday night at approximately 8:45 local time or 2:45 Universal Time. Witnesses reported an extremely bright green light that rivaled the brightness of the sun. Bill Cooke (Meteoroid Environments Office Lead / NASA) were able to estimate the peak brightness at >-14 (stellar magnitude), which means we are dealing with a meter class object with a mass of a few (1-2?) metric tonnes!

Below is a 3D trajectory computed from the witness reports. 

 San Antonio Fireball - November 8th, 2014
Texas Fireball - Picture by John Gutierrez @Copyright John Gutierrez -
Texas Fireball – Picture by John Gutierrez @Copyright John Gutierrez –