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Interstellar may be attracting viewers to the movies at warp speed, but wormholes like the one featured in the new film are likely a reality, deep in space.

The movie Interstellar follows a group of astronauts who escape a dying Earth by racing to another galaxy, through a wormhole, or Einstein-Rosen bridge.

Albert Einstein and his assistant, Nathan Rosen, attempted to find a way to integrate all the forces of nature into a single coherent model. In order to accomplish this task, the pair described space as a pair of geometric sheets, connected to each other through bridges, which are seen as particles within our Universe. This conclusion, announced in a 1935 paper, was ultimately rejected as a “theory of everything” when particle behavior predicted by the model did not match observed behavior in the real world.

Black holes, collapsed remains of massive stars so dense that not even light can escape their surface, resemble the mouths of wormholes described by Einstein and Rosen. This led many researchers to postulate that the stellar remnants may be the gateways to the bridges, and potentially, other points in space-time.
Interstellar is being hailed by many scientists as one of the most accurate depictions of black holes and wormholes ever presented in film. Kip Thorne, the astrophysicist who worked with Carl Sagan on the wormhole scene of the novel and film Contact, also guided the makers of this film in designing a realistic trip through a wormhole.