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Are these angels watching over a family while cruise ship sinks? Greg Giles

The Italian luxury liner Costa Concordia as she lists and sinks

While viewing this presentation which documents the sinking of the Italian luxury liner Costa Concordia after she struck an underwater obstruction on the 13th of January 2012, a tragedy which took 32 lives, my focus turned from this unique documentary, which covered the tragic event through the eyes of personal videos taken by a number of passengers, towards the small but very interesting light show of orbs that visited one family’s private cabin as the ship began to list before sinking. 

What I find so intriguing is the timing of the appearance of the orbs, as they materialized before the mother and young daughter only when the ship they were aboard began to show signs that she would sink. Only seconds after the orbs make their appearance, a crew member’s voice comes over the public address system instructing that particular row of cabins to board their respective life boat. (The orbs make their appearance at approximately the 20:20 mark of the video.)
Greg Giles 

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