“Alright, just what did this s.o.b. die of anyway?” 

Greg Giles

Excerpt from examiner.com
Ingenuity is the driving force of the economy. A new, exciting idea can set a business in a class of its own. Throughout history, we’ve seen various companies make their mark on society with a clever idea; you can now add Greenlawn Funeral Homes to that list. The crematorium, based in Springfield, Missouri will display on Saturday a new way to spread cremated remains… with fireworks. 
Called the “Firework Memorial program,” specially assembled fireworks with a loved one’s ashes will be launched into the air and spread with the help of explosives. There may be no better way to go out with a bang.

The family of Greenlawn’s funeral director, Jim Carver, will inaugurate their new memorial method this weekend. The ashes of his father James, who died in 2008, will be launched several hundred feet into the air during an eight-minute firework display. 

While the method of spreading ashes with explosives is certainly creative, Greenlawn’s methods have garnered mostly positive reactions; many describe it as “the coolest thing they’ve ever seen.” The Firework Memorials range in price from an affordable rate of $300 for the “Sensational Celebration” to as high as $10,000 for the “Ultimate Goodbye.”