Date: September 27, 2014

Hemp Repairs Damaged DNA

by hightimes.comScientists have discovered astounding new evidence that suggests hemp proteins have the capacity to repair damaged DNA -- a phenomenon that occurs in all humans as the result of aging. While the majority of people are aware that DNA, or deoxyribonucleic acid, is present within most living organisms, there is perhaps a larger percentage who are completely oblivious to the fact that this hereditary material accumulates damage in a manner similar to wear and tea [...]

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Learn How To Meditate In 8 Easy Steps

Learning how to meditate is the most important thing that we can do while we are alive. It is our greatest asset on the road to self-realization, inner peace, personal and spiritual mastery, and embodying our highest potential. As a great Indian Sage once said, “That is real which never changes.” By learning how to meditate, we learn how to access this never-changing, infinite, and eternal aspect to who we are.In this guide on how to meditate I will answer all of the basic questions [...]

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How To Survive As A Multidimensional Being In A Limited Consciousness

There is no handbook that explains how we are supposed to handle the phenomena that occurs when human beings on a planet begin to vibrate much differently from each other. On a deeper level we know that we are all connected. Until a major tipping point occurs that will shift us into a more comfortable situation, how can we continue to live together on this planet without going insane or causing harm to one another? The vibration shift is occurring now Because of the s [...]

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Space Station’s ’42’ Crew Takes a Page from ‘Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy’

Image: Expedition 42 poster
The official crew poster for the International Space Station's 42nd expedition parodies "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy." NASA astronaut Terry Virts and Russia's Anton Shkaplerov portray the two-headed Zaphod Beeblebrox, Russia's Alexander Samokutyaev is Humma Kavula, NASA's Butch Wilmore is Arthur Dent, Russia's Elena Serova is Ford Prefect and Italy's Samantha Cristoforetti is Trillian. NASA's Robonaut 2 guest-stars as Marvin the Paranoid Android.

Robert Pearlman, 

What do astronauts and cosmonauts, a towel and a paranoid android have in common? The answer is 42. 

The International Space Station's Expedition 42 crew members, who are due to assemble aboard the orbiting laboratory in November, have embraced the connection between their numerical designation and "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy," the Douglas Adams sci-fi franchise, by adopting its imagery and slogans for their official poster and unofficial patch.
"I was super excited when I was assigned to an [space station] expedition, mostly because I was assigned to an ISS expedition, of course, but part of the excitement was that it was 42," Samantha Cristoforetti, an Italian astronaut representing the European Space Agency, said in a recent press briefing. "I am a big science fiction fan, and one of the things I really love is this 'trilogy in five parts' that some of you might know." 

"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" is the first of five comedic science fiction books penned by Adams, as well as the title of the book within the novels. The story follows Arthur Dent as he narrowly escapes the destruction of the Earth and, with his friend Ford Prefect, explores the galaxy in search of a decent cup of tea and the meaning of everything. 

"In this book, it is kind of funny, but '42' is the 'answer to the ultimate question of life, the universe and everything,'" Cristoforetti said. "Now, nobody knows what the question is, but 42 is the answer."
Following a trend that began during the now-retired shuttle program, the Expedition 42 crew — Cristoforetti, together with commander Butch Wilmore and flight engineers Terry Virts, Alexander Samokutyayev, Elena Serova and Anton Shkaplerov — selected a movie poster to parody for their official crew poster.

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NASA Challenges Public to Design a Piece of a Mars Probe

  Kelly Dickerson, NASA has challenged the public to design part of a spacecraft that could land future spacefliers on the surface of Mars. The NASA Mars Balance Mass Challenge runs through Nov. 21. The agency will announ...

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NASA Brings Scientists & Theologians Together To Prepare World For Extraterrestrial Contact

Arjun Walia, Collective-EvolutionA couple of months ago top U.S. astronomers gathered in front of congress to let them know that extraterrestrial life exists without question. Their main argument was the size of the universe, emphasizing that there are trillions of stars out there, with one in every five most likely harboring an Earth-like planet. It’s also important to keep in mind that planets do not have to be “Earth-like” in order to harbor life. You can read mor [...]

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The Production Of The Story Of A Course In Miracles Workbook Lessons 189 – 190

The Production Of The Story Of A Course In Miracles Workbook Lessons 189 - 190Workbook Lessons 189 -

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