joe ferrier post cardWEIRD WIRED WORLD OF UFOLOGY

by Timothy – “Mr UFO” – Beckley

Let me tell you “radio” sure as hell has changed from when I was a kid. A lot of stations went off the air at sunset and your choice of music or talk was severely limited. You couldn’t choose from rap, or Reggie and classic rock was decades down the road, as Led Zeppelin wasn’t around to take you to Heaven yet and Ozzy’s bat still had its head intact. You had to settle pretty much for the Make Believe Ballroom or some Top 40 station playing Frankie Valli hits. Talk was a bit better. There was more local programing than today.

frank edwards

Frank Edwards was the first commentator to add UFO reports to his radio lineup.

Every major market had its own “king of the airwaves.” The first  show, circa 1950,  I know of that relied heavily on UFOs was  hosted by a reputable newsman Frank Edwards who had a nightly program on the Mutual Radio Network sponsored by the American Federation of Labor. Edwards, who later wrote Flying Saucers Serious Business (probably the best selling UFO book of all time) had read an article in True magazine by Major Donald E. Keyhoe and was so impressed that, he started to pepper his broadcast with UFO news which turned out to be exceedingly popular with the public. This may be one of the few active links  to an Edward’s presentation

Then, long before Art Bell,  came the granddaddy  of  paranormal/UFO broadcasting. Long John Nebel was  a lanky 6 foot 4 pitchman who worked the Jersey Shore auction circuit and  was ultimately “discovered” by a sales  manager from WOR, a 50,000 watt powerhouse station that could be heard across 30 states. Nebel  broadcast seven nights a week from midnight till 5, from a studio just  off Time Square.

Long John's nightly Pary Line interviewed many of the early UFO contactees like George Adamski.

Long John’s nightly Pary Line interviewed many of the early UFO contactees like George Adamski.

Nebel was the first commentator to utilize the telephone in order to take calls from  listeners, though initially only John’s portion of the conversation could be heard over the airwaves. He simply repeated the questions. Later, a seven second delay was created  and low and behold history was made as the listener calling into the show in the dead of night could be heard from their homes. The two way conversation was born!

At times Long John’s program was  a true Three Ring UFOlogical Circus as the likes of Jackie Gleason – an immense UFO buff ( his personal library on UFOs is housed in the University of Miami) but a skeptic as far as the early flying saucer contactees were concerned – battled it out with the likes of  George Adamski, George Van Tassell, Orfeo Anguelucci and others who claimed to have met long haired Venusians and professed to have  traveled  to other planets. It was  a UFO era unto itself and one that is hard to dismiss even if only for nostalgic reasons.  Nebel had a huge listener base that ran from the mid 1950′s till his passing from cancer in April 1978.


Richard Shaver said he went to the cavern world inhabited by the mutant Dero.

Here LJ and panel members speaks with Ray Palmer UFO publishing pioneer and co founder of Fate magazine and Richard Shaver a “science fiction” writer who maintained that there was a race of mutant  cave dwellers who were abducting  humans for sadistic purposes and  using them as slaves. Shaver also maintained that these menacing cavern dwellers, the Dero, were in contact with vast fleets of space ships coming to earth to ransack our planet of gold and other minerals. Shaver’s paranoid ravings caused a great deal of controversy and even Life magazine devoted part of an issue to the topic of the inner earth. Many UFO buffs even today accept Shaver’s contention that flying saucers have set up shop either inside the planet, or at least in underground bases occupied by aliens. .You are free to  reminisce at this link with this interview recorded in 1956

Though the main thrust of this column will be the current state of  UFO podcasting and trending YouTube videos,  very month I will link  to at least one older program that might be lurking around in a hidden, dusty,  archive somewhere. Why should today’s contemporary  UFO researcher miss out on the opportunity to hop aboard the UFO time machine and go back to yonder days,  when the pickings  of UFO shows on the airwaves might well have been equally as ripe as today’s choices.

No one listens to more UFO oriented programing than I do. My lap top is always buzzing away with an archived show in the day time while I work on the latest Conspiracy Journal,  and when I retire to my loft bed at night my Kindle usually is tuned in to  either  Clyde Lewis’ Ground Zero for the latest conspiracies,  and later to Coast to Coast AM if they have on a guest speakCoasting about  UFOs or the equally bizarre. I listen intently to KHVH-AM which streams the show out of Honolulu. I like this station  because C2C is repeated twice and I can listen till about 9 AM the next morning (Eastern) till the regular day time program starts up (boo!). Normally, I fall asleep and wake up several times to hear choice tidbits from George Noory or George Knapp.

I have been a regular guest on probably over a thousand shows since around 1964. I have even produced a couple of paranormal programs. I always have a great new guest  up my interdimensional sleeve for some supportive UFO host. The late Kevin Smith really was a busy man. Most UFO podcasts are broadcast once a week. Kevin who died of a heart attack recently produced a nightly program.. Got to appreciate how much work that involves. I wish his show was archived out there in the galaxy somewhere.  I did find an interview with Kevin at

Recently, I invited a gentleman who is an historian by profession, but who just happens to have spent the last 6 years investigating a remarkable series of UFO “crash” landings outside Kingman, AZ that took place in 1953. This is one of those early Roswell-like incidents which has largely been ignored and thought to have been a hoax. Harry Drew says it is anything but, and has provided some incredible documentation that this incident is not a fabrication. He says there are over a dozen locals who witnessed the events,   and tells of the remarkable way in which the military carted away the objects, and an incident in which several survivoring Ultra-terrestrials where being kept in protective custody in the sheriff’s highly secure underground bunker only to vanish with the heavy door securely locked.  This is a really titillating podcast and you can beam in on it now at

* * * * *

Closing out our first edition of the Weird, Wired, World of UFOlogy I can’t help but highly recommend The Outer Edge hosted by Tim R. Swartz and Michael Mott every Sunday at 9 PM West Coast time and midnight Eastern. In the past year or so, they have managed to interview many credible  researchers who have not been over exposed like Tessa Dick the wife (number five) of the late, great, Sci Fi writer Philip K. Dick (Blade Runner, Total Recall, etc)  who had some really peculiar – damn right oddball – encounters with a strange woman who appeared at his door and beamed a pink ray at him which infused his mind with incredible information, proving, he says the existence of a real Matrix.

Well that’s it for now. If you host a pod castor a You Tube channel let me hear from you by sending me a link and telling me a little about your show. is the place to send it with PODCAST in the subject line for easy identification.

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