Yucca Valley, California – 08-10-14
While attending the Contact in the Desert event I left around 6:15 pm on Sunday night to get some dinner from the local Sonic drive-thru. I ordered my food and paid the woman at the window.
As she handed me my change I noticed this dark ball in the sky straight ahead of me. At this point it was 6:38 pm. Watching it for only a moment I inferred that it wasn’t any kind of bird or aircraft that I’m familiar with, so I grabbed my cell phone and immediately started filming.

I zoomed in to catch the object on film, and the girl at Sonic opened her window to inform me they were just waiting on my sandwich to be done. I dropped the phone as she talked to me, but focused in on the flying object as soon as she left again. 

I watched this small spherical object fly just over the power lines, slowly, but consistently. I noticed a slight aura or field of sorts around the craft with my own eyes, and the object seemed to be rotating. 

When I was watching it I felt a great sense of calm, despite the unknown nature of its appearance. I followed this object with my cell phone just until that Sonic girl handed me my food. After I left the drive thru window I tried finding the object again to record its path some more, and then I noticed it had greatly descended in altitude. 

When it dropped below where the power lines were, the color of it became camouflaged against the valley’s mountain line and I could no longer follow it.