An Ontario, Canada, witness at Burlington reported watching a large, V-shaped UFO that was first thought to be a building – until it moved about 9:40 p.m. on August 10, 2014, according to testimony in Case 58833 from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database.

The witness was driving to a friend’s house when bright red and white lights were first seen.
“I thought it was a structure’s lights until it started moving and I stopped my car,” the witness stated.
The witness described the object.

“It was a wide/long, V-shaped object with two lights at each point, two on the outer wings and one in the middle. Each light was red with a smaller white light atop. Initially I thought it was a building until it started moving.”

The witness said the object was massive in size.
“I observed the distance and realized just how gigantic it was. I tried to then take pictures with my cell phone after pulling the car over. I then followed it to get more pictures.”

The object moved over a nearby tree line and was lost from view.
 Burlington is a city located in Halton Region at the western end of Lake Ontario and is part of the Greater Toronto Area, population 175,779. MUFON Canada is investigating.
This photo was provided by the witness who stopped and used a cell phone to try and capture the large, V-shaped UFO. (Credit: MUFON)