Huge ancient tomb under guard as archaeologists prepare to open it

Archaeologists are preparing to open an ancient tomb newly discovered in northern Greece.
It is believed to be an important tomb from about the end of the reign of warrior-king Alexander the Great, dating back to between 325 and 300 BC.
What is believed to be the entrance of the huge tomb was uncovered by archaeologists excavating an ancient mound and is now under a heavy guard as it is investigated, British newspaperThe Telegraph reports.
The tomb is believed to be unlooted.
It is surrounded by a “long and well-built” wall with marble decorations and is suspected to belong to a senior ancient official.
“The excavation will answer the crucial question of who was buried inside,” excavator Katerina Samaras said.
Alexander the Great built an empire stretching as far as India before he died in 323 BC and was buried in Egypt.
Prime Minister Antonis Samaras said the discovery was “clearly extremely important”.
The tomb is expected to be opened within the next two weeks.