
The National UFO Reporting Center has reported that a Summerville, South Carolina man has reported that he was walking his dog on Saturday, December 7th of 2013, at about a quarter past 7PM eastern time, when he witnessed a bright red, glowing object in the sky. The witness stated he managed to capture a photo of the object, shown above.

Witness statement: 
“I was walking my dogs with my family and I saw a glowing bright circle in the sky moving slowly. It was visible for about 2 minutes and I snapped a pic of it, and then it went away very quickly after I took the picture, falling or flying to the horizon.”

(This account cannot be verified as the name of the witness has not been given in this report.)

NUFORC Note: Witness forwarded a copy of his photo to our center, and it indicates a bright red light, close to the horizon, in the nighttime sky.)