UFO Community Building




UfologyPRSS.com – THE leading personally curated ufology resource on the Web today. How would YOU like to play with us?

Possibilities Coagulators Solidify Opportunity

We are a group of what you might call ‘possibilities coagulators’ who are able to bring people, places and things together with performance levels indicative of well-developed teams who’ve had years of history. We make it safe and solid for UFO Community Building. The expertise we bring to the table, or web in this case, allows us to help grow our partner’s viewership exponentially over time. We constantly update our content and bring both novice and expert to the table with equal weight, and the ability to feature individuals, companies and organizations through our blog,

Would you like to be a partner with us? Read on…

The digital age brings many opportunities we have yet to realize. One of the most precious is the community building, specifically the Ufology Community. Every artisan, author, blogger, creative, researcher, show host and videographer is just as important as any other, but separately there is only so much attention they will garner. This applies even more in regards to product or service websites that are competing with others for attention. Maintaining compelling material, products or services only goes so far.

We can help increase views and traffic in spite of all the competition. How? First of all, we really aren’t competition. We are a collective of support for Ufology in general. Through collaboration and participation we strengthen our position in the marketplace – and YOURS. Beyond the individual or website, we build a COMMUNITY OF SUPPORT. We’ve literally raised the bar for the industry. Just after launching there was a flurry of upgrades across the gamut of websites associated with Ufology. It was a long time coming.

UfologyPRSS brings hundreds of resources into one location  which is more enticing to the investigative ufologist. Individual websites garner substantially larger numbers of potential viewers as a result. The small pond expands into a lake and possibly an ocean of opportunity, clicks and ultimately sales and/or views.

How do we do that with UfologyPRSS?

Ufology News GoogleFirst of all, by joining with us as a Partner we’ll provide you with targeted traffic through promotions on Facebook and Google Adwords. We use 50% of our advertising revenue to promote our Partners through targeted advertising that drives traffic to UfologyPRSS. EVERYONE BENEFITS!

We already have astounding statistics after just a year in the market, with site visit averages over 5X the market averages in nearly every area. We all know that teams do better than individuals. Partners accelerate growth and ultimately sales.

Just as an example of what we can offer… We have experts that know how to develop blogs including graphics use, headline and keyword development for getting better traffic even outside the partnership we provide. The more we can help you succeed that better our community thrives. Ufology is growing in interest and UfologyPRSS is already at the top of Google Searches for many keywords. The smartphone image was taken on 2/12/14.

Our results speak for themselves. We’d like to include 10 Partners for 2014.

Are you going to be one of them?

Contact our Lead Curator, Zen Benefiel, to secure your partnership and grow with us.

btw… you can place a UfologyPRSS Corps badge on your website. Check out our Mobile App – http://ufologyprss.com/mobile

The post UFO Community Building appeared first on UFOlogy PRSS Blog.