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2014 IUFOC Recap

iufocThe 33rd International UFO Congress was February 12 – 16. It’s the largest conference of its kind in the world. The International UFO Congress is an organization in Arizona dedicated to the dissemination of information related to many areas in Ufology. It was established in 1991 and hosts an annual conference. While previously held in Laughlin, Nevada, the conference moved to the Phoenix, Arizona area in 2011.

The IUFOC features presentations given by authors, researchers, experts, enthusiasts, and those who have witnessed paranormal or anomalous phenomena from all over the world. It also provides a forum to discuss the experiences and findings. This week long event usually has over thirty speakers, a film festival, vendors, and experiencer sessions. Topics generally covered are alien abduction, UFO sightings, UFO crashes, crop circles, paranormal experiences, government conspiracy and much more.

This is probably the premier UFO-focused event in the world. John Rao and crew really do it up right. We’ve reported on the Open Minds team earlier. The quality of the venue, the quality of the mini-events within the IUFOC, like the EBE Awards, the Mixer and Dinner and the Sky Watch are all top notch. If you ever get the opportunity to attend, it will be one of the best experiences you’ll have of meeting folks that come from all over the world who are interested in or have experiences with UFOs.

We did manage to have conversations with many of the speakers and vendors during the event. We even got a few on video endorsing UfologyPRSS, including Ben Hansen, Dr. Lynne Kitei and Kim Carlsberg. We are truly appreciative of their support. Click on the video below for all the endorsements. We know it will help us continue to grow. We also want to express our appreciation for the folks at Open Minds and their exquisite production of the International UFO Congress.

The nature of the UFO phenomena covers a plethora of possibilities. There is as much consideration for conspiracy as there is for objectivism, regardless of Ayn’s introduction. Does our government really have involvement with other worlds? Some say yes and some say no, but we really do not know for sure. What would it matter, anyway?  Is there something that our government could offer the public as some kind of gesture in disclosure? Perhaps the revelation of the off-planet visitors is simply that we need to learn to get along. That alone is more challenging now than any engagements with extraterrestrials.

There were some new folks speaking at the IUFOC this year including Kawaunee Lapseritis, speaking about psychic Sasquatches; Mike Clelland, speaking on Owls and synchronicity regarding contact experiences; and David Marlen, who spoke on the triangular-shaped craft that frequents our skies. Some of the old favorites were there as well, including Steven Bassett, Patty Greer, Rob Simone and Dr. John Alexander. The former hopes for government disclosure, the latter doesn’t think the government knows much at all.

One of the highlights of the festivities was Ben Hansen’s hosting of the Sky Watch on Friday evening. Ben has been a popular figure since the Fact or Faked television show and is now representing Night Vision Ops, an inexpensive line of night vision equipment. It was reported by some that later that night there was a mysterious UFO that hovered over the location for some time. You might search the web for them.

If you’ve been to any of the IUFOC events over the years, you will have noticed Don Ware, who consistently brings interesting bits of information to share. Don has been a regular for as long as we can remember. He combines his understanding of Ufology with tidbits from the Urantia Book. Speaking of, this was the first year the Urantia Foundation was part of the festivities and their books were flying out the door. Maybe there is a new source of information that Ufologists haven’t explored yet.

Although the gathering draws attention from all over the world, there hasn’t been much ‘new’ news in decades regarding the phenomena. There does seem to be a bit more of an inquiry into the possibility of extraterrestrials living among us, though. There was a lively discussion between several fellows one evening, patrons and another ‘regular,’ that included a few retirees – detective, human resource manager and an engineer. We overheard them discussing the possibilities of ETs living among us and what that might be like, especially if the ET didn’t know they were and grew up as an orphaned human with a penchant for discovering his or her lineage. We’ll see what develops.

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