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Happy New Year

Happy New Year. Hitting the reset button of our lives.

It’s once again (almost) a new year. And as we look back at what 2013 held for us, whether great, good, okay or maybe one of your worst ever, it’s coming to a close.

The key is to keep it all in perspective, and not cry over the spilled milk.

With the turning of our clocks and calendars, each January 1st, we essentially get the chance to hit the reset buttons of our lives.  It’s a new year, and a new energy we get to work with.  And hopefully, along with the lessons learned along the way, we’ll move into a bright and happy new year.

I’m not a fan of setting New Year’s resolutions, however I am a big fan of making adjustments in my life when required.  Whether big or small changes are necessary, I think that life is an adventure.  Sometimes it’s great fun, sometimes a bit scary, sometimes exhilarating, and sometimes it will just bust your balls.

But, like all experiences in life, there seems to always be a gift inside.  So, I have found in my own life to ride the roller coaster of life with great sense of anticipation, sometimes holding on tight for my life, but always with a deep sigh of relief when my stomach falls back into place.

I always look forward to each New Year with this same sense of anticipation.  Wondering what new adventures life will bring my way and always hoping for the best in my ability to create something special along the way while I love and am loved by the people in my life.

While I’m excited about hitting my 2014 reset button, I’m also seeing the new opportunities that I am envisioning for a brighter and happier year than 2013 proved out for me.  But then, what would life be like if you didn’t have some drops and dips along the way?

How are you hitting your reset button?

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