Sheldan’s Update for June 18, 2013
7 Kayab, 11 Cauac, 9 Eb

Selamat Jarin! We return with much to discuss. As you can see, your world is still subject to the last fading antics of the old reality. Each passing moment brings the dark cabal closer to its inevitable demise. We watch with compassion as it comes to recognize and grapple with the outcome of its choices: the total collapse of all it has known. Those of our associates involved with this aspect are wrapping up the operation which will render these dark ones powerless and a mere shell of what they once were. The new governance which will succeed the old order is to explain the master plan for change and the approximate schedule, and some of it is likely to astound even those of you who are most informed. These broadcasts will lead swiftly to a full disclosure of our benevolent existence and our reasons for being here. Once done, we can then work with the Ascended Masters and present to you a chronological outline of your origins and history, and an introduction to the wonders of full consciousness. Our primary mission is to return you to a state of union with your Self, and this will be completed once we have landed and you have been introduced to your Inner Earth family.

It is important for you to comprehend what is involved in your transformation to a fully conscious Being; it is, in truth, a very complex and delicate operation. You possess several billion sets of RNA/DNA switches which need to be reversed. You also have nearly a million miles of unique physical structures that require special alterations. All this is to be accomplished by a means that Heaven has devised and which will also be controlled by your divine Will. This entire process is to be carried out via a set of sacred formulas, given to us by our medical teams and our heavenly advisors, and using techniques which are being allowed only because of the special mandate connected with your destiny: to become a fully conscious Being of Light. Heaven watches all this very closely and assures us that you are to shift according to the divine schedule which translates into a specific timeframe. You stand now on the brink of this time as your divine moment is at hand. As you look around you, it behooves you to perceive the immense significance of this most unique and precious moment.

Each day we interact with your dark cabal and wonder at its dogged and seemingly oblivious stance at the prospect of any future change. In truth it is simply doing what the Divine so desires. On the one hand it deeply believes in itself and its invincibility, and on the other, it watches in panic as its many plans are thwarted by the changing conditions thrown up by the collision between its desires and your incoming divine reality. It now recognizes this dichotomy to be untenable as it sees just how close is the collapse of its world, and a sense of doom has overcome the leadership groups as they stare into the face of the unknown. They are starting to see that the invincibility and power they took so for granted are illusions and all the plans they had made ultimately pipe-dreams. Hence their disarray mounts, and their ability to direct the affairs of the world falters and wanes. As their grip weakens, the incoming Light picks up the slack, and now a great shift toward the Light is upon us! Your reality has arrived at what is called ‘its divine shift point.’