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Galactic Federation of Light ~Sheldan Nidle June-11-2013

Galactic Federation of Light ~Sheldan Nidle June-11-2013
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Sheldan’s update for June 09, 2013
0 Kayab, 3 Eb, 9 Eb

Dratzo! We return! At this time our associates are making the adjustments and orders of scale necessary to ensure that your abundance deliveries are disbursed as planned. A series of final agreements and orders of contract are also now being completed. The moment is coming for these deliveries to be successfully initiated, and so the dark cabal is being closely watched by a number of Galactic Federation and Agarthan liaison teams, whose purpose is to see that no serious violation takes place prior to starter’s orders, as has happened so often in the past. As of this update, pre-launch operations are underway, and we foresee no impediments which might cause speed bumps or deviations from the path embarked upon. The many groups we are associated with have completed their to-do lists and are putting the required personnel into position. We are closely monitoring this operation to ensure a formal commencement at a predetermined time. These actions, once begun, will be the first strokes on a much broader canvas which is intended to change your reality out of all recognition!

Millennia ago, an ill-starred realm was brought into being which has been your lot for far too long. This realm crushed your grand potential, enfeebled your Spirit, and allowed those in power to ride roughshod over you. This realm is ending. Each of you is to be set free and encouraged to freely pursue your contracted life path. This objective will thrive once the dark cabal’s ubiquitous agents are removed from authority. Quite quickly you will be liberated from the droves of obstructions and burdens with which you have been saddled since birth. To assist you in grasping the significance of the opportunities enveloping you so fast, the Ascended Masters and the Agarthans have come up with a curriculum of teachings to bring you up to speed on what is happening, what you need to know, and how best to adapt the new knowledge to your individual circumstances. These teachings will be only guidelines that you can use to get a better understanding of what your new world can look like. Armed with these basics you can gain a broader comprehension of how your consciousness is changing and a clearer appreciation of the work that you and your individual Federation mentor will be doing together.

Imagine for a moment what an enormous impact this mentoring program will have on you! Each one of you on this planet is to be assigned your own personal mentor who will be responsible for leading you gently and Lovingly out of the fog and confusion of a dark and dying world, and into the increasing brilliance of a Lighted realm which many do not consider possible even in their wildest dreams! What a lot to take on board in such a short time! This is why you need a personal guide at your side 24/7 who can inform you about so very many things and who will be able to answer all your questions and concerns as they arise. More stunning by far than the changes to your planet and solar system are the changes happening within you and where this will take you. To give you a small indication: you have an expression, ‘rags to riches,’ and yours is to be the mother-of-all rags-to-riches transformations happening on many levels, especially the spiritual one. Such a prospect can quickly put you into overwhelm, and this is why you will need wise and Loving mentors to reassure and inform you as your new world unfolds.

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