SanJAsKa and the Pleiadian High Council: Pure Love Creates and Sustains your Realities
Wes Annac:

-Channeled through Wes Annac-

Note: It’s my twentieth birthday today (May 27). I’ve given posts for today and this message from the Pleiadians, with exuberant happiness and Love.

The awakening of the collective of humanity is proceeding quite marvelously, though we know that it does not seem to be so from the point of view of those of you who continue to struggle. We ask you to stand strong in your efforts, dear souls, for the Divine is much closer than you would readily believe and we are, in fact, with every one of you right now.

We feel such a strong Love for the awakening collective of humanity and indeed, for all of Creation.

We feel the strongest Love and desire to assist you along your personal and collective evolution processes because truly, what you are doing is unprecedented. You are allowing a planet whose surface has been brimming with negativity for far too long to find the Light and find ascension as a result, and your efforts up to this point have been more than needed.

This is because every single Earth soul is feeding their thoughts and emotions into a grid of energy, which has been discussed before. You are feeding your thoughts and feelings into the collective consciousness, and what you manifest comes as a result of those thoughts and feelings.

This is why we encourage positivity and Love in all endeavors because truly, those emotions and energies will not steer you wrong.

Peek Into the Unknown
Souls on your world throughout a plethora of ages have taken to mental means of understanding Life and the Universe around you, and this has proven an ultimately-fruitless way to look at your Lives for truly, everything around you is brimming with the purest of spirituality; even when it doesn’t seem to be so.

Yes, your lower realms will boast continual physicality that seems to be quite unchangeable at times, but a simple meditative peek into the unknown will help remind you that Divinity and spirituality are present everywhere and that all one needs to do is honestly search for such things to find them.

Those on your world who refuse to believe in the existence of spirit or realms beyond your conscious perception will find their increased understanding of these realms in their own perfect timing; it is simply that the density and physicality of the Earth experience have fogged the minds and hearts of too many Earth souls who feel as if the reality they experience is the only one in existence.

We ask for you to see how untrue such an idea truly is in the face of the vast planets, galaxies and Universes that lay beyond this one. Indeed, it would make little sense for an entire Creation to be envisioned up only to have one small, blue planet in the corner of the Cosmos be the only one hosting Life and conscious experiences.

The purpose of Creation is for you to experience yourselves as the Creator in a more distorted form than you had originally existed in, and your return to full consciousness will herald your complete and uninhibited understanding that you are God, in every single form God has come about.