Sheldan’s update for May 14, 2013

2 Kan, 12 Moan, 9 Eb
Dratzo! We return with more to tell you. The coming changes in your reality are vital because they acknowledge the grand shift in consciousness that you are going through. Every single aspect of you is subtly changing, beginning with the shifting configuration of your RNA/DNA. Some of you are being exposed to a very accelerated amount of change while others are undergoing gentler shifts which require a minimum of bodily discomfort. Those presently experiencing lesser amounts of discomfort are scheduled to move into more pronounced ascension symptoms in the early summer months. In short, all of you are being altered at the pace and types of change specified in your individual life contracts. However, the general level of discomfort is programmed by Heaven to increase during the course of the summer months. This summer marks a very special moment in your history: disclosure is central to our overall planning and we dearly desire to have this requisite formally announced. It allows us to address you directly and to begin planning the next steps in your return to full consciousness.

As we have mentioned before, formal disclosure is an immense watershed for humanity. It divides your recent history into pre- and post-contact periods. In one giant leap, disclosure ends your society’s belief in your biological supremacy and uniqueness, and you become linked with the legions of others who reside throughout this vast galaxy and indeed physicality. This moment of revelation also shows you who you once were and who you will become again. It scatters to the winds every concept of you as limited Beings, and you are thrust into a wholly new worldview which changes forever your perception of what is ‘possible,’ casting new light on your notions of life’s meaning: religion, science, history, philosophy, anthropology, in short, all your cultural constructs and traditions. Each of you will be coming to grips with myriad questions, personal and planetary, and these questions will need answers, including where you are headed as an individual and as a society. This plunge into a strange new world will require guides and teachers and this is where we come in. The first new group you will come into contact with will be the Agarthans and they will start you down the road to full consciousness.

The Agarthans realize the incredible importance of what they are to do. Working with the Ascended Masters they will begin by imparting an enormous amount of knowledge which has been kept hidden from you. This is likely to startle even as it enlightens you, and so it must be divulged gently and within an atmosphere of nurturing and empathy. The Ascended Masters will bring their own teachings and will use their sacred offices to bless you all, and in divine grace move you into an environment of peace, harmony, and abundance. Their sacred talents will be essential to you. Your entire concept of how your reality is structured is to come under scrutiny. You will need assurances as well as truth. You will need nurturing and healing as well as explanations about how things really work in your new world. All this new education will be spiritual in nature (as indeed all is spiritual) and will quickly prepare you for first contact. It sets the stage for our arrival and a swift run toward full consciousness. Working in unison, we all intend to make you comfortable and joyful in your new reality.