Sheldan’s Update for May-07-2013

5 Moan, 8 Caban, 9 Eb
Dratzo! We return! We come today to speak about the changes that are required to manifest your new reality. There are signs everywhere that a new consciousness is dawning upon your world. Organizations dedicated to change are learning about each other and about ways to create international social networks to bring about such change. One area among many of these diverse changes is the redefining of the concept of money as a mechanism of exchange; e.g. the rules of micro banking and microcredit in the developing world, and the organic spread of small-scale businesses and ‘village banking’ in these countries. These social and cultural networks provide the trestle, so to speak, that will support all that is to happen at the highest levels of commerce and banking. Long ago, when the Age of Discovery began in the West, those nations most affected by the intrusions of the West’s soldiers, ships, and guns took their symbols of wealth, gold, and silver and hid them away in secret depositories where they have lain for centuries. Meanwhile, the West conquered and plundered. Throughout this time the ancient ruling families knew that this scourge was destined one day to pass away.

These ancient families ruled their lands not only by hereditary right but also by the natural authority derived from a special wisdom bestowed on them by various prophets and by the great records placed in their safekeeping. The West shunted many of them from power, and yet each of them endured. Recently, these families began a purposeful relationship with Mother Earth’s Ascended Masters and with our fleet’s liaison teams. These associations naturally led to their being introduced to their Agarthan cousins. These groups joined up and formed legal entities predicated on the ancient ways in which power was recognized and honored by each group. These indigenous and aboriginal bases of power and wisdom then linked up with those who represent Heaven, together with a new element: the Galactic option. Then, two decades ago, this congruent collection of groups began to come up with a new vision which has now become functional to the point of being fully capable of transforming your surface world and the way it operates. It is this assembly of wise ones which is about to manifest your new reality.

This new reality is quite a departure from the old dark ways that you are accustomed to. A new vision will open up your world to the Light and put the dark, obstructive cabal minions in a temporary quarantine, allowing the new system to take hold and become the anchor for the new world that is designed to lead you to full consciousness. Once you are fully conscious again, you can resume the path that was begun long ago in Lemuria. In this, you are to reunite with your Inner Earth cousins and create a most magnificent galactic society. One of this society’s first enterprises will be to travel to each water world and together with your planetary brethren form a new star-nation. This is your goal and we are here to assure you that with Heaven’s Light this divine Will shall be accomplished. Your present world rulers believe they are omnipotent, which is a most foolish assumption. The time comes for great changes, and for that moment when the great consciousness shift becomes fully apparent to all. Thus, Heaven approaches and prepares the moment for a most wondrous surprise!

This surprise, as we have mentioned before, is the shift from darkness into Light. Mother Earth is doing her best to alert everyone to the great distress being caused to her by the dark. Her atmosphere is in turmoil; her oceans and waterways are dying; her biodiversity, likewise, is undergoing extinction; indeed, the very survival of your surface world hangs in the balance. Yet the dark continues to ignore it and even puts it about that this looming disaster does not exist. We are here to assure you that your dying world is fact. However, we also assure you that events are in progresses which are to remove these dark minions and bring to power those whom we mentioned above and who are dedicated to peace, prosperity, and disclosure. It is time to end the reams of cover-ups and ruthless schemes which block your rise to full consciousness. On top of all that is the mass denial of your natural rights and personal sovereignty, coupled with multiple covert activities against you which are too reprehensible to mention and which are now to be stopped. These will be replaced by healing and wisdom teachings which will lead you all back to full consciousness!