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Galactic Federation of Light Matthew May-12-2013

Galactic Federation of Light Matthew May-12-2013
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Matthew Ward

Higher perspective of Earth; violence, duality; CIA, Boston marathon bombing; Zionist movement; UFO hearings; climate changing

With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. We know it is difficult for you to feel elated about Earth being in fourth density when violence still has a firm place in your world, and you wonder where the promised Golden Age is.

Earth crossed the threshold of her Golden Age when she entered the safe harbor of fourth density almost six months ago, but many of her residents who accompanied her have not reached that density in spiritual and conscious awareness. So it is understandable if you feel discouraged by what appears to be little progress toward a peaceful world.

Yes, we have mentioned these feelings before and now just as then, never is it with criticism. In all truth, we could feel the same if we saw only what you do, but we have the immense advantage of being able to view Earth from this exceptional vantage point.

We see the stunning differences in your world today compared with conditions at the beginning of Earth’s ascension only seventy-some years ago. We see ancient energy portals reopening and the incoming light being anchored all over the planet. We see the myriad sparkling lights of souls awakening as Earth keeps moving into ever-higher vibrations, and we see all of her Golden Age glories fait accompli.

You would feel not only encouraged, but jubilant if you could see all of this too, and how we wish you could! But you can’t, so please let our knowledge of what has transpired and what is happening in this moment dispel any discouragement you may have so its low vibrations don’t dim your light. Your steadfastness in the light is as vital now as it always has been for you personally and for your society—you are the way-showers for the newly awakened soul-searchers.

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