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Galactic Federation of Light Master Kuthumi May-05-2013

Galactic Federation of Light Master Kuthumi May-05-2013
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Natalie Glasson — Master Kuthumi: Clearing a Pathway for Love
Thanks to Wes Annac:

From the expanse and warmth of my heart I extend my love to you now as a greeting that will remain eternally with you. My love for you is never lacking nor is it withdrawn; I love you unconditionally and eternally. It is my greatest purpose to allow and support you to feel the love within your being, to experience, to acknowledge and accept the vast expanse of love that you hold. I would ask also that this becomes your purpose for yourself and for others, to support yourself and others in feeling and experiencing the love that is present.

Every action that you take on the Earth whether you achieve it to support yourself or another is to allow you or the other, or in truth both, to experience the love within your beings. Such a beautiful intention that can be held will allow for a greater and more abundant experience of love within your being and reality. There is no such thing as lack of love, only abundant, every flowing eternal and unconditional love. It is important to truly realise and understand my words and their meaning as they can if you choose alter your experience of the Creator’s love and loving presence.

Do you push love away? Do you feel as if you are lacking in love or other parts of your reality and being? Are these beliefs that you have created and built true or helpful to you as a being who seeks to become one with the Creator? Can you acknowledge that lack is another feeling or belief in disguise, as you rejecting and pushing yourself further away from the Creator’s abundant love?

At the centre of most experiences of lack is fear but fear can take on so many different forms that it is no longer recognised as fear. Fear in itself is an illusion, fear doesn’t exist and yet often you may choose to create it. There is only the essence within your being, the easiest way for you to experience and to recognise this essence is to acquaint it with love.

To love as the Creator and to be loved can be one of the most valuable and difficult lessons upon the Earth to master because there are so many levels and forms within your being and reality that this lesson manifests as, in order for you to experience and overcome it. Often lessons connected to love manifest without you consciously realising and so it can take great self-observation to truly recognise and understand them, allowing yourself to open up to love. Experiencing, embodying, accepting and expressing the love of the Creator can be both something that you deeply desire and also fear simultaneously. When you begin to let go of the need, the attachment and desire for experiencing the love of the Creator especially as an expression through others then you set yourself free.

Often when in a physical body the experience of separation is so severe that you can become focused on the need, attachment and desire to experience the love of the Creator therefore becoming so concentrated on seeking love that you forget that which you seek is always present and available for you to experience. It is often nourishment of the essence or love that is already present within your being is all that is required but one can often become focused on seeking nourishment for the inner love as well which acts as a distraction. Recognition, knowingness, repetitive focus of the presence of love eternally growing within your being will again offer to you the freedom that is needed to enjoy and experience that which is within you.

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