Magatha from Agartha ~ Introduction to some new Galactic civilisations that co-operate with us ~ As channeled by Méline Lafont…

Greetings beloved brethren of Earth.

It has been a while since our last connection and as always we are most delighted to step forward in the Now and to convey a message of Love and Light. As is commonly known, the current eclipses contribute a lot and are really the trigger for everything that is now taking place on Earth.

Shifts continue to occur and they go hand in hand with an inner cleansing, with transmutations and transformations which have become a daily routine for your Being. You better get used to it for a lot more is waiting in the wings as transformation is an unending process of Ascension which will continue to happen no matter what state of consciousness you have accrued.

As to your transformation, you are never really completely finished with it because you are an energy and energy moves and changes shapes and essences indefinitely depending on what your energy adopts, creates and chooses. Therefore the process of transformation and transmutation goes along phases to lead you from one point to the next, as you always evolve infinitely into something else. That is life, that is Being.

The reason why we wish to step forward today is to give you the next update about the current state of affairs in Agartha, in Telos and in all civilizations of the Inner Earth. Our civilizations mutually forge deep ties in order to guarantee increased cooperation for Gaia and for all Her lightbeings and by the latter we mean all of you. We too are evolving more and more into a collective and consciously aware civilization that wishes nothing else than Love, a civilization that is only motivated by Love.

That is also the objective which all of you strive for : 1 collective conscious awareness and Being. We are going to assist you with this together with all the other collective groups in the cosmos, which you call the Galactic Federation of the Light. As we have mentioned before, we also cooperate closely with the Pleiadian and with the Sirian Emissaries of the Light.

We now would like to give you a few names of civilizations tightly involved in galactic projects, amongst which is the Disclosure project and other important projects on Earth. Méline is involved but so are countless other souls in incarnation who are in the know. It is our deepest desire that humanity becomes knowledgeable of the facts that certain entities are eligible to bring forth great things officiating a trust and an unmistakable perseverance, what is now of the utmost importance.

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