You are also doing cleansing for humanity and the planet
May 5, 2013 by John Smallman

Here in the spiritual realms our pleasure is intensifying as the new energies flow across the Earth, connecting all of humanity to the divine field of Love more securely than has been the case for a very long time. Because its connection to you all has become so strong it is practically impossible for anyone to remain unaware of it.

Of course, vast numbers of your sisters and brothers who are very deeply asleep still do not know what is going on, or what is causing the internal emotional upheavals they are experiencing. Over-the-counter medications are not helping to suppress these unwelcome sensations, so they are having to address them, often for the first time. Be patient, therefore, when you encounter people who are behaving strangely — angry, depressed, sad, exhausted — and be prepared to lend them an ear if they need to talk. Otherwise, intend to send them love, compassion, forgiveness, and healing because it is what they need in the moment, and your intentions in this field are now very powerful.

You are all here to assist in the awakening process, as you very well know, but it still needs to be brought to your attention regularly and frequently, because many of you are also undergoing intense personal emotional cleansing that tends to distract you from the task you have taken on for this lifetime. Effectively you are doing your own cleansing, and you are also doing cleansing for humanity and the planet, which is why you are so honored.

Quiet time alone in prayer, contemplation, or meditation needs to be an absolutely essential part of your daily routines, regardless of how busy you are — and we know that some of you truly are extremely busy. While in that safe and quiet space — and you might be stuck in slow-moving traffic while taking that time out — just remind yourselves and say “I am Love,” because there is nothing else, and it need only take you a moment. This is a very powerful affirmation because it is absolutely and undeniably true, as you know at the depths of your being, even if you to tend to discount it out of a false sense of humility.

This time on this day is the only time there is because, as you know, time is part of the illusion, so the only time that exists is Now! For humanity experiencing life in the illusion, that statement makes no sense, and yet it is true. When you wake up, you will move out of your awareness of time and the deadlines and limitations that it appears to impose upon you and settle into the eternal now moment where all that exists, all of creation is eternally present. So that moment in the traffic jam, when you say “I am Love,” is the eternal never-ending now, when all that occurs does so.