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Galactic Federation of Light Jesus May-01-2013

Galactic Federation of Light Jesus May-01-2013
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You are each a master of what you choose to pay attention to
May 1, 2013 by John Smallman

Well, as I have told you before, humanity is on a roll! The awakening process for you all is proceeding very rapidly indeed, and the loving energy that you Light-bearers and wayshowers are demonstrating and sharing is proving extremely effective in helping this process along. Keep it up, because you are doing great work — work that no one else can do — and that is why you chose to be here at this time. You are to awaken to a great honoring of your most noble and compassionate roles in humanity’s unavoidable and inevitable awakening. Just keep releasing all that “stuff” that keeps coming up for you, seemingly inexplicably. Only some of it is your own, much more of it is of the collective who are still too deeply asleep to release it on their own, and their gratitude to you will astound you.

As you allow yourselves to acknowledge that change of an essential nature is taking place, then so will you be able to become increasingly aware of it. It has not been hidden or kept secret; it is just that, to put it bluntly, you have been captivated by the bad news, the disasters and catastrophes prominently broadcast by the news media and have tended to ask, “How could God allow this to happen?”

God does not allow or disallow; He just offers a helping hand so that you can exit the illusory quagmire that has seemingly been holding you captive and involved as observers and fixers in all the unloving activities that are still going on across the world. Take His hand.

Focus on Love — sharing It, demonstrating It, engaging with It — by looking for and seeing the Christ in everyone, for no one is without the Christ energy: it has just remained unacknowledged and therefore has not been called upon for help nearly often enough. Too much time and energy has been spent judging, blaming, and condemning, instead of looking for the Love that is securely anchored in every earthborn living soul. Focusing on Love has enormous power. If you could see and understand what occurs when you do just this — nothing else, just this — your amazement would overwhelm you, and you would be unable to understand why you were not doing just this in every moment of your existence. It is what your Father does! And you are reflections of Him, inseparable aspects of Him, eternally one with Him.

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