Date: May 6, 2013 (page 1 of 2)

A Message about the Gathering by Aisha North

By Aisha North

A message about the Gathering

Dear friends!

Earlier today, I posted a short comment about how I felt the need to withdraw and try to take in all that has happened in the last 24 hours, but the CCs thought otherwise… They were very insistent that I should sit down and take in this message from them, and that I needed to share it as soon as possible. For some reason, they did not want me to include it as a part of The manuscript, but post it as a separate message, and so here it is:

“Dear friends, beloved family, for that is truly what you all are. And after last night’s intense reconnection, we gather that many of you can truly feel into the truth of this for the very first time. We know you have waited so long for this, but finally we can say, in the knowledge that you hearts are at last able to savour these swords: welcome home, beloved angels of light. For not only are you angels in the realms you have come from, but now, you also know that you are the same, infinite beings of light down on Earth also. For you have seen yourselves in all of your splendor, just as we see you when we gaze fondly upon you. We thank you all for opening your hearts fully to this truth, as for so many, the doors have been sealed closed in a way that made it hard to fathom they would ever open again. But last night they did, and the doors were not only opened, they were litterally flung off the hinges, for they will never be able to close again.

For once you have allowed the pristine light to touch your very core, and once you have truly allowed yourself to be loved by YOU, it will never ever go away. So again we thank each and every one of you for your courage, your wisdom, your beauty and your infinite light. You all walk in splendor now, dear ones, splendor you have earned with every tear, every parting pain, every sorrow that has ever befallen you on this earthly sojourn. For know now that you have been fully awakened from your  sleep, and just like sleeping beauty, Mother Earth has been awakened alongside you. So rest today dear ones, and try to get your bearings back, for we venture to guess you may feel somewhat befuddled after this energetic awakening and rebirth. For you have all been born again, into a body that may still feel rather battered and bruised at times, but it is a body that has been totally reprogrammed in a way that will benefit not only yourself, but your benevolent Mother also. For the planet you walk upon will be nourished by every step you take from now on, for through your veins courses the very lifeblood she needs in order for her to beat as strongly again as she once did.

So take it slow, and give yourself the time you need in order to step fully into your new shoes. They may seem to be overly large for you at the moment, but we have no doubts at all as to your ability to fill them. For you will walk with even more presence on this land from now on, and so many will begin to follow in your footsteps. Because they will be drawn to you, and to this brand new energy you all exhude, amd through this, the exodus from the old density will truly begin. For you have cleared yourselves from all of the old dross, and now, the time has come for you to form that vantage point, the spearhead, and blaze a shining trail for everyone keen to do the same. So again we thank you all for what you are, and for what you have let yourself become. For you have truly become yourselves now, in every nuance and every aspect, and so we greet you all as equals. It is indeed something you have always been, but now, you have finally started to see the same for yourselves, and that gladdens us to no end.

Thank you, that will be all for today, but we will return with more as the days go by and your lights start to shine even stronger. Thank you, we leave.”

With much love, joy and gratitude from me, Aisha

(And now, I will take a short break… :–) )

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Galactic Federation of Light Archangle Michael May-05-2013

We are always closer than your next thought. — channeled by Ron Head


Today we wish to discuss the phenomenon of growing and connecting groups of lightworkers

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Heaven Letters May-06-2013

Heavenletter #4546 Snow Melts, Hearts Thaw, May 6, 2013
Gloria Wendroff

God said:
What would I like? Nice of you to ask.

What do your mother and father want

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Galactic Federation of Light The Pleiadians May-06-2013

The Pleiadians ~ We come to assist and to help you ~ As channeled by Méline Lafont

While the moment of the solar eclipse is approaching, it will

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A 5th Dimensional Healing Visit and Opening up Communications with my Pleiadian Family ~ via Goldenlight

channeled by Goldenlight

Above image by Lindy Longhust, ‘Vishuddhi’- the 5th Chakra or Throat Chakra. Located at the throat region the chakra represents all forms of communication and speech. It governs our sense of diplomacy and good will between others.

On May 3, I had a beautiful 5th dimensional healing “visit” with my Pleiadian family. I was feeling stress from work and my body was beginning to exhibit signs from this severe stress. I went into meditation and called on my Pleiadian family to lovingly ask for a visit with them to assist me in physical healing at this time. I transcribed this laying down on my iphone so it flows as notes that I took rather than being in eloquent written form.

Had some extreme stress this week from work… which I think was affecting my nerves…eye started twitching and is doing so on and off right now.. Became fearful that the nerve damage would come back.. Want to avoid this at all costs. (In 2011 I developed a nerve disorder due to work stress, which I was able to heal quickly, but it was scary. It has not come back and hopefully never will.) Have also been thinking about aging vs reversal of aging lately.

Dear Pleiadian Family..
I feel that I am ready to reunite with you.. Do you have any healing chambers aboard your ship? Could you take me to one? I am in need of assistance with healing and reversal of aging and would most enjoy a reunion with you … I feel that I need to bring some info and awareness to earth about your healing technologies and other technologies as well as just aspects of your (and my original) advanced Pleiadian societies.

We are most pleased that you are asking us this and even more pleased that you picked up on our telepathic message that we can assist you at this time and that we have much info to share and to contribute to your earth’s recent hearings in the US (citizens Disclosure Hearings) regarding our presence. We wish for you to be a conduit of information from us to your earth so that information and communication can begin to flow from us to you and back to us. In fact if your readers want to submit questions to us we would enjoy answering them. This then can be the beginning of our open harmonious interrelations between us. Remember we are all emanations from Source, so it is really Source knowing Source in the grander scheme of things…

As far as coming to visit with us, if you wish you may now lay in a relaxed state and meditate upon this. You will be able to travel to us in your 5th dimensional lightbody to one of our cloaked ships that is actually quite nearby to you. We have been here near where you live since you made your connection to us last fall and yes the “cloud” you saw yesterday on your beach walk was our ship.

This was in the same location as the cloudships you saw on the day you saw the rainbows last March. We are able to disguise our ships into any outward appearance or manifestation that we wish.. Our ships are controlled by conscious computers that respond to our thought vibrations so it is as easy as saying we want to appear as a cloud and it is done.

Now rest and lay back and enjoy your journey to our reunion and healing… we welcome you aboard most highly esteemed one! And we send our blessings out to you in welcoming you back to one of your true homes. Your dear cat may come with you as he is in need of healing as well. Journey well dear one!...

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Prime Creator Tells Us His/Her Point of View ~ via Kathryn E. May

As channeled by Kathryn E. May

My Dear Children, this is Prime Creator.
It is your first chance, now, to see your brothers and sisters of the skies. You have been a race of beings who look at the ground beneath your feet when you walk. You look down at your watches, you search in the dirt under your feet for buried treasure. You long for riches to appear in the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, where it touches the ground.

Your spoken words are filled with downward meanings; You are down when you feel sad. You are down-trodden when you give away your own freedom; you are under the weather when you are ill, and you find yourselves in the dumps when things go against you. When life deals you a disappointment, it’s all downhill; your intemperate ways put you into a hole, and when you have more than one challenge you think you are going down the drain. Down, may I remind you, is the opposite of Up.

I am going to tell you why it has taken so long for you to be introduced to your brothers and sisters from the skies. It is because it has been over your heads to acknowledge that you are not the only fish in the sea, the only planet in the Universe which could sustain life.

You have clung so tightly to the precious idea that you are alone in the Universe, the Supreme intelligence of your planet, and the Masters of all you possess, and you think you possess everything you behold. You go about your lives as if you created your own planet out of nothing, achieved what you have by the sheer force of your will, and no one else could have accomplished such a marvelous feat, ever.

This is what you would call a syndrome - an ego problem. It makes you ego-tistical and myopic, although you are also charming in your self-glorifying ways, as a toddler who squeals when it manages to clap its two hands together, and when three consecutive steps brings a sense of triumph beyond words.

Yes, you are adorable, as you are abominable. You love your own kind - however you define that - and you vilify and abuse others. You rape and pillage your Mother Earth even as you glorify and celebrate her beauty in photographs and paintings, as you have done with your own human females.

You are a paradox, a noisy, squabbling, pushing and shoving gaggle of wondrously imaginative, emotionally sensitive and cleverly creative children, and you are so easily offended and so intolerant of children yourselves that you probably think I am insulting you. I am not.

I am only trying to give you a sense of how difficult it is for Us to entrust you with decisions which could affect the entire Multiverse without simultaneously putting restrictions on your freedom of choices. You have blown up yourselves and your planet when your considerable creativity and intelligence allowed you to develop the technology to do so. You must admit, you love blowing things up. You are reckless, inclined toward violence in all its forms, and endlessly imaginative in your application of cruelty to one another and to other living things, for which you have no mercy.

Now, that is only the darker side of humankind. You are also the most passionately loving, heroically self-sacrificing, and ferociously protective of those you love. Your capacity for loyalty and enduring emotional attachment is legendary, as is your ability to create astonishingly beautiful works of art and to be touched so deeply by music and inspiring words that you often weep with joy in their presence.

Your love for your children is so intense that you fear for their deaths every moment they live, and you cling to them with such fierce passion that you risk strangling the life out of them even as you nurture their bodies and fill their minds with endless streams of trivial information.

You have all but ignored your connection to me and to those who oversee your care - your Guides and Masters and your own Higher Selves. In your rush to accumulate wealth and power, by Intergalactic standards you have developed the singularly obnoxious qualities of greed and selfishness, which are absolutely contrary to Universal Law.

All in all, Beloved Ones, you are what one of your clever slangsters called “a hot mess.”

And now, young gladiators, you wish to be welcomed into the exquisitely ordered and peaceful pleasures of higher dimensional life. In your gloriously blossoming hearts you long to be a part of the trust and companionship you remember from your lives at Home, when you were not burdened by the troublesome 3 dimensional human bodies you have worn in these Earth lifetimes.

Your souls yearn for the warmth and connection to your brothers and sisters of Light, but your courageous experiment in Earthly adaptation is still evolving. You have reached a tipping point, a watershed moment in the development of humankind. You can taste it, and it makes you nearly frantic with desire. Such is the quality of this, your most complex strain of human being-ness.

What you lack in self-discipline and restraint, you make up for in courage and will. You are the hearts of my heart, the dreamers of my dream, and you are your magnificent unique selves. You begin each incarnation as calm and resolute souls, then you blaze with glory or you crash and burn, but rarely do you fail to learn and grow. Now you plead your case before the Councils to grant you graduation to higher levels. Your Mother planet has been elevated and you wish to match her Ascension, thereby gaining the privileges that go with it.

I will grant you your fervent prayers, not because of their intensity alone but because they are now so generous of spirit. You pray not for yourselves but for your civilization, for peace and for abundance for your neighbors, and many of you have learned forgiveness of your enemies. It is you who will lead in the building of a new civilization when the doors of Heaven open and your lovely family of Beings of every shape, color and size pour forth in their enthusiasm to embrace and welcome you into the Intergalactic family.

First, you will be tested. The ships of the Ashtar Command will be allowed to decloak, making their presence known to every man, woman and child on the planet. The spontaneous response of the people of Gaia will determine the course of the coming era. Are you ready for that? Will you each sustain your Faith and be willing to embrace, once and for all, the qualities of kindness, compassion, forgiveness, Truth and Unconditional Love in all you do?

It will now be your path to be in complete command of your every thought, feeling and action, as you begin your new Golden Age. You have earned the opportunity to try for the highest timeline you can reach for.

I give you my blessings, and I lovingly pray for your triumph.

Prime Creator

Via Kathryn May, May 5, 2013, 4 am.
Notice, folks, there are no dates, as much as we might want them.

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Montague Keen Speaks of the Dark’s Attempts to Cull the Population ~ via veronica Keen

As channeled by Veronica Keen

Many people are having difficulty coming to terms with the information that is being made public at this time. What was suppressed is now leaking out. Your governments deliberately kept you in darkness and under control. Yes, there are beings from other planets amongst you. Many of them chose to live among you, so as to lead you forward into the Light and to release you from the burden which the Dark Ones imposed on you.

The population of the Earth had to increase enormously to prevent the dark takeover. The Dark Ones have responded in return, by using many methods to cull the population: through vaccination, medication, and altering the air you breathe and the food you eat. This is why this information is so important to understand. Do not agree to anything without thoroughly researching it. All the information you need is freely available to everyone.

The Dark Ones want you to be as sheep, blindly obeying your “Masters” orders. You, and you alone, are responsible for your life. You must take back this responsibility from the politicians and the medical profession, since they are being used to enforce the agenda. The thirteen who control all on Earth, have been successful until now. They are prepared to go to any lengths to create their New World Order. They manipulate every situation for their own ends. They own all forms of news information and entertainment, and they ruthlessly use them to MIND CONTROL the masses.

It is up to each one of you to free yourselves from this manipulation by refusing to buy into it. It is time for all of you to take control. Start with your own lives and the lives of those who are dependant on you. Share freely all information that will help others to see the full picture. Become the LEADERS; not the mindless, who conform to the agenda for their own extinction.

I have asked, many times, for you to learn to meditate. Then, you will be able to get whatever information is relevant to you, directly, without third party involvement. It takes time to perfect meditation, but those who have done this, have benefitted hugely from the experience and the information gained. The Spirit World will assist and guide you. We are ready and willing to help you.

Free yourselves from all restrictions that were imposed on you by Church and State. Your minds are yours, and yours alone. Use them to your own advantage. Why would so much be done to dumb down your minds by those who control you, if they were not frightened of you waking up and using your minds to see what is being done to you. As beings, you are far greater than those who control you and manipulate you. They are terrified that you will come to realise this fact. They are IN FEAR OF YOU.

Your controllers are not capable of LOVE. They do not have compassion, so they can kill without conscience. They are constantly finding new ways of killing that you would never suspect. You must understand that your ability to love and relate to all living things is your greatest weapon. Love will win the day. LOVE has a powerful energy that invades their darkness. This is why they try to destroy it. To them, money and possessions equal love. You, on the other hand, know that love is what makes life worthwhile. It lifts you and embraces you. It engulfs you and makes you happy and fulfilled. Look with love upon everything and you will find that it improves the quality of your lives enormously. Where there is love, there is no room for aggression.

The Earth itself is trying to help you understand this, too. It lives and suffers also, because of what is being done to it. It is trying to communicate this to you. You need to protect and care for the Earth as it supports your lives by producing food, plants, and trees. It supports your wildlife. It needs to be loved and cared for. Treat everything with love and it will respond. By helping each other, humanity will survive. Planet Earth will be reunited once more with the living universe. This is your greatest adventure.

Look with eyes wide open at all the restrictions upon your lives. Ask what you can do about them. Ask why you just accept, without question, all the laws that enslave you. Questions need to be asked, and reasons demanded, in a civilised and respectful way. This is being done in Ireland. There is no reason why others cannot follow the example. It has to start somewhere, so why should not the most sinned against country on Earth, lead the way forward.

The true history of Ireland is hidden in the Vatican. When this comes to light, then the real history of your world will be available to all of you for the first time in nearly 2000 years. It is not possible to keep it hidden forever. It is time the truth was revealed and humanity moves forward in truth and light. Everything that Man needed to know and understand, was known back then. People were at one with Nature. They understood how the planet worked and they connected with other planets. Then, at one disastrous gathering of the corrupt, plans were made to take control of Mankind and to take over Planet Earth. All that was truth and light was destroyed. The enslavement of Mankind began and continues to this day.

Here is your task. You have returned to Earth in order to restore the truth and light, and this you will do. It will be done peacefully. Love will be your guiding light. This is a time for decisions to be made. The right decisions, that will benefit humanity and Planet Earth. The evil assault on humanity must cease forthwith.

My dear, life is difficult right now. Try to keep calm and controlled. Much is done to try to cause you fear. See it for what it is. Those who are with you, are with you one hundred percent. Circumstances are created to cause you worry and distress, but you must rise above them. The end result will surpass all expectations. Then, you will quickly forget all the suffering you endured along the way.

This is a critical time for your world. Keep calm and do not be drawn into the false information being put forward in an effort to start World War III. You want PEACE, not WAR ! Stand together for peace. You are the 99% and you must never forget that. You have a voice, so use it. We in Spirit stand with you, so you are not alone.

Appreciate all that Nature provides for you. Springtime is about new beginnings. This is Mankind’s NEW BEGINNING. Go forward with confidence because you are on the right track.

My love, I wish that I was still beside you, to comfort and support you. I am only a thought away. I never leave you. Love endures, my dear.

I am your adoring, Monty.

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High Council of Orion ~ Human Love & Boundaries ~ via Karen Doonan

As channeled by Karen Doonan

Greetings dear ones, we are the High Council of Orion and we come to guide and to support. Our "subject" that we wish to guide around is the human definition of "love" and th...

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First Signs of Physical Ascension are Here ~ via Aluna Joy

As channeled by Aluna Joy
I was called to be on the Pacific Coast for the past 2 weeks, and I got very clear about a new experience which I have been having. This experience sparked this transmission from the Star Elders. I was told about this amazing time for many years, and, now that it is finally here, I still have a sense of disbelief and awe about it all. But myself, and others are having similar experiences in the last few weeks. The first signs of physical ascension are here.
Related Article . . . One experience I had about what it might be like when we go to the new world:
So . . . I was having these little episodes where I would find myself somewhere else, and then I was slammed dunked back into this world. This was not very fun by the way. It felt different from the dimensional shifts, OBE’s, astral travel, etc. which I have experienced in the past. It happened a few times over the course of the last few weeks. When I would come back, I could not remember anything, and thus had nothing to share as well. It was frustrating to say the least.
One day, while camping at the ocean’s edge, my partner Raphael and I, had a calling to go lay down on the sand. By the way, the sand in Southern California is silicon based and acts like an enormous crystal. We were both out almost instantly. It didn’t feel like I went to sleep. There again, I found myself in another reality that was not yet complete. I saw what I would call a description of myself anchored there. There were a lot of other things that I saw that I could not describe to you now.
Neither one of us knew how long we were gone, or if it was instantaneous. What brought me back into my body was a HUGE rush of energy that felt like it spun my brain around. I was massively dizzy, and it felt like I was going to fall off the beach. I grabbed a hand full of sand. This was followed with a huge rush of nausea. It was all gone in seconds. I opened my eyes and was confused to see where I was, and how long I had been gone. I didn’t move and tried to remember as much as I could. Then the Star Elders wanted me to share this message . . . because it is time . . .
From the Star Elders . . .
2013 is ground-breaking territory, a renaissance of sorts, in so many ways that one transmission will not graze the surface. Yet there is something newly emerging in the world that we want you to pay attention to. It is so subtle that you might have missed it . . . or it might have hit you like a huge spiritual surge. Either way, the first signs of this new cycle show us that physical ascension is already manifesting within this cycle that is new to us all.
These ascension experiences are similar to what others have experienced on their spiritual path. But what we are beginning to SEE now are not OBEs (out of body experiences), astral travel and dimensional shifts. All of these can have similar symptoms, but there is a big difference. With OBE’s, you travel but are aware that you are out of your body, and you can see a cord or connection to your home base. Astral travel is nearly the same, where you travel with your higher light body, but you are not taking your physical body . . . like flying dreams.
Also, remote viewing is similar to astral travel. Dimensional shifts are when you slip unknowingly into another frequency. This world looks and feels very different from our world. You can meet Ascended Masters in other dimensions and some people even go to Mystery Schools to learn, most of which you cannot remember when you come back into your body; though it does change your life. All these experiences have prepared you all for what it coming now.
What is happening is this . . . You are beginning to wobble between the old world and the new one, but now with your physical body. This is hard work for you! You might feel like you need to suddenly lay down for a rest, only to wake up suddenly with great dis-orientation. You might get a fading glimpse of the framework of this new world. It looks and feels similar to this world but at a higher frequency, and it does not make much sense yet. This world is still under construction. There is already an identity anchored there for you now.
This will be your new home base. It might look like a description of who you are as your ascended self. There is other frame works being built as well, but there is no way to use words to describe this to you as yet. Oddly, while this is going on, we expected to see more unity and harmony in your world. But the world feels like it is becoming even more polarized. This polarized field might make you feel isolated for a while.
We expect this polarization to be temporary, and it will start to balance out as you adjust your physical body with the new higher energies. As you wobble, your history, patterns and un-resolved issues are being excessively magnified. We are so happy that those reading this have done a lot of clearing of their past. This will make it easier for you to maintain harmony and peace even though all your internal signals are racing wildly, causing some anxiety, depression and odd health issues.
Light workers will now fall into two categories: 1) those holding a space of pure energy and bliss, and 2) those that are still working hard in the trenches regarding humanity’s ascension process. Both sides are vital and indispensable right now.
“Workers” . . . try not to take on too much in these days, and dial back your schedule. You will absolutely need to do this. Give yourself some peaceful space in your life. You will be feeling some very strong symptoms as much is being cleared through your body right now. The new world is being born through you.
“Blissers” . . . you are holding the template for home base for this new world. You are lucky to have the space to really ground yourself on the Earth and swim in her natural waters. Spend as much time in nature as possible. This will help you maintain harmony and stay in bliss. We need you to stay in bliss as much as possible, as this holds space for your family of light workers who are still deployed in the fields working hard regarding humanity’s ascension process.
Gather together with like-minded ones as this will also give you clarity and support in this confusing time. In fact, this is one of only a few things now that will feel real to you. This world is feeing less real to you every day. Your like-minded soul family is your anchor and your base camp. They are your support system and your reality checkers. They will keep you sane in this energy that you might perceive as insane.
Others around you, who had not cleared themselves, may be exploding within and without in these exaggerated energies. The wobble will be confusing and disorienting to them. Remember these ones were working to keep the world turning as you say. They took on jobs that you didn’t want, and they are working extremely hard to catch up. They are dealing with feelings of rage, followed by wild attempts to hang on to the past and what is familiar. They don’t know they must surrender, and let go as you do.
This will manifest, and fill your news casts with sad and violent acts, odd accidents and suicide, drug overdoses, etc. You must send them love, when you have a bit of extra energy. Do not empathize or get distressed about these events. You will only feed and prolong that which is being stripped away. This is a necessary process. We expect their reactions to normalize and be temporary as well. Everyone on Earth is receiving divine dispensation and tremendous help from higher realms and Ascender Masters.
Our advice to glide through this time is to stay grounded, stay as positive as possible but stay authentic to the moment, take care of your human vehicle, find your like-minded support groups, and go with the flow as much as possible. But most of all . . . know that all is well. You will succeed at this ascension in spite of the bumps that rattle your self-confidence. You are on a one-way conveyor belt to the next world now. You can’t mess up at this point. Relax and let go, and keep your eyes open to all the experiences in front of you as you will not see this time come again.
~ The Star Elders
Physical Ascension Signs/Check List . . . some people are experiencing . . .
*** Waking up from dreams knowing that you were somewhere else that looked similar to Earth, but it was not; yet it felt as real as this world;
*** A feeling like you were somewhere else but can remember where;
*** Waking up confused, unsettled, and apprehensive; like you lost something or you are in the wrong place;
*** A strong sense that something is coming soon, but yet you are oddly comfortable with the feeling;
*** Feeling jolts of electricity racing through your body;
*** Strong and sudden nausea;
*** Feeling like you are imploding or like you are in a pressure cooker;
*** A loud ringing, buzzing in the ears;
*** Finding yourself on hold or waiting for something, but you don’t know what it is; and
*** Feeling like you are in a time warp.
“A human being is part of the whole called by us universe, a part limited in time and space. We experience ourselves, our thoughts and feelings as something separate from the rest. A kind of optical delusion of consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from the prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty. The true value of a human being is determined by the measure and the sense in which they have obtained liberation from the self. We shall require a substantially new manner of thinking if humanity is to survive.”
~ Albert Einstein.
Copyright 2013 – Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this article on the condition that the content remains complete, full credit is given to the author(s), and that it is distributed freely. Aluna Joy Yaxk’in, PO Box 1988 Sedona, AZ 86339 USA

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Poof ~ What a Week ~ 5/5/2013

Greetings and Salutations,
So the mess that blew up last week, required major surgery. new CEOs, whole parts of banks being hit with kirby vacuums. No matter folks banks Will, be basel 3 compliant under the new banking system. Regardless of the ‘pukem’, spread on the web, the new is arriving and the masses are not forgotten in it. You are the future of this planet, not the bad guys. So it is written, so it will be.

Thank you all for the prayers for my continuance. My job keeps going. I celebrate your ability to hold your ground and a promise, made so long ago. That day of arrival is shortly and like a lightning bolt on a clear day. Consultations upon request.

Love and Kisses,

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Hilarion’s Weekly Message through Marlene Swetlishoff May 5-12, 2013

As channeled by Marlene Swetlishoff

Beloved Ones,
Throughout the cosmos, alignments are taking place which have been anticipated for several thousands of years. These are opening up greater access to the knowledge held within each soul, for each of you hold a vast store of knowledge through many ages that have come and gone. It is a time for spending in stillness and a state of listening within as your world is reconnected to the rest of the galaxy – an event which heralds the understanding that humanity is not alone in the endless sea of other stars, planets and worlds. This means that the Earth is entering a new position in the heavens and that it is a new beginning for all.
The Earth is expanding and shifting as she adjusts to her new place in the heavens and this can bring some shifts for those who are her inhabitants. As human hearts open wider and the changes take place both within and without, the sense of unity and oneness will be felt by all who are here during these times for now it will be seen that the Earth and humanity are a unique and vital part of a much greater community of life than ever before imagined. There will be a growing excitement taking place as this awareness comes to full ripening. It behooves all of humanity to look around and become more observant.
The shifting energies as they come in and create openings to vast amounts of ancient knowledge about your planet will help to awaken humanity in vast numbers. It is time to look to the skies with a keen eye, to look at the signs that are all around you that herald the old world system is crumbling and those who have been in control are desperately trying to keep the world population in a state of fear, hopelessness and apathy. Every such effort by these ones is met with a growing awareness by the Earth’s peoples that all that was hidden is being hidden no more. This is, as we stated many times before, a new dimension or vibration that no longer supports such activity.
As you, our most courageous ones, firmly hold to the vision of a greater reality where all are equal in their potential to grow and expand, many miraculous signs and portents come to awareness. By holding and anchoring your Light during these times, your loving service to the Divine Plan is noted and recorded. Many of you have been initiated into cosmic and galactic service and this will come to your awareness in greater comprehension as the weeks and months fly by. The sense of linear time is shifting and there are cycles in effect that will shift perceptions which can be confusing. There are many adjustments being made as your human operating systems recalibrate to accommodate the higher frequencies.
Spend as much of your daily lives in the outdoors as is possible for you, drink plenty of clean water to hydrate your physical bodies and to facilitate the recalibration that is taking place within them. As much as possible, eat fresh fruits and vegetables, for these have a greater life force in them that will assist in keeping your physical vehicle in greater attunement to the higher frequencies as they continue to permeate your atmosphere. Be in peace, Dear Ones, and know that you are loved beyond measure.
Until next week…
I AM Hilarion

©2013 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana (Soo-tam-ah) Keeper of the Symphonies of Grace
Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been changed, or altered in any way and Scribe’s credit, copyright and website is included.

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Growing Our Miraculous Manifestations ~ Emmanuel Dagher

By Emmanuel Dagher

Energy Forecast - May 2013

Growing Our Miraculous Manifestations 

Blessings my beautiful friend,

It's such an honor to connect with you again. Have you noticed the shift that took place in these past few weeks within and all around us? Ever since the days leading up to the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse back on April 25th, something has changed. Many people are feeling guided more than ever to reinvent themselves in a way that is aligned with a higher vision they have of themselves.

A big part of the reinvention happening includes letting go of everything in our lives that no longer contributes to our highest vision. This also includes letting go of the relationships that we allowed to stifle us in any way. Many of us have a tendency to give everyone we meet the benefit of the doubt, however when we begin to allow this to cloud us from the clarity of our intuition, it's most definitely time to release and let go. Going against our intuition is the biggest reason why so many are not experiencing the well-being they know is possible.

Letting go of relationships that no longer serve our greatest good does not mean that we love these beings any less, it just means we are no longer contributing to the stories they have created motivated by fear, lack and separation.

In fact, letting go of these types of relationships has the potential to empower the people we release out of their stories, and into an awakening awareness of their omnipotent selves. So if you are feeling enough is enough, now is the time to give yourself permission to surround yourself with people, places and things that support you in living your highest vision.

Growing Our Miraculous Manifestations 

The shift we are experiencing right now will be turned up another notch when we move through the Full Solar Eclipse that takes place on May 9/10th depending on your location.

The spiritual significance of a Solar Eclipse gives us the opportunity to strengthen our internal power and to magnify our love quotient. This can show up as giving ourselves permission to fully speak our truth and express ourselves freely in a more confident way. It also shows up as recommitting to loving and nurturing ourselves. Some wonderful ways we can ground more of these energies into our lives is through meditation, chanting, gratitude, being of service, or some type of physical activity such as dance or exercise.

The core purpose of an Eclipse is to provide us with a reminder of full acceptance of All That Is and to anchor in a more light way of being. We are asked to no longer sweat the small stuff, instead to focus our awareness on the gifts and blessings in our lives, so that we can begin to create even more of them.

The recent Partial Lunar Eclipse, Solar Flares and upcoming Solar Eclipse are creating a powerful space for us to begin witnessing the manifestations of growth from the seeds we've been planting and sowing for a while. These manifestations can be anything from the budding beginnings of new relationships, to career opportunities, ideas for new projects and physical or emotional healing - to name just a few.

If it's something we've desired deeply for a while, now is the time to be mindful of how the Universe presents our desired manifestations to us. They are as close to us as our next breath.

Craving Physicality 

A part of us right now is craving a deeper connection with the physical aspect of our experience. Even those who tend to stay more in the emotional or mental aspects of themselves are having more of a desire to connect in a physical way.

If we're feeling guided to be more present in our body, this is the perfect time to do so. Some of the ways we can be more present in our body is through aerobic exercises such as dance, speed walking, swimming or any other movement that feels good to us. Yoga or any similar activity also helps us to connect with our bodies. Through physical movement, we are able to reconnect with all other aspects of ourselves. Taking care of ourselves physically is one of the most spiritual things we can do.

Another aspect of embracing the physical part of our experience is to open ourselves to physical contact and intimacy. Many of those walking a spiritual path tend to isolate themselves from others as a result of past experiences, or simply because they are dedicated to focusing on their own well-being and spiritual growth.

However, a big part of experiencing optimum health in our physical body, is allowing ourselves to get close to another being in an intimate way. This type of connection releases emotional energies and physical chemicals in the body and this release supports and creates a healthier physical experience.

So let's take good care this month by giving ourselves permission to say "YES!" to our desired manifestations, being mindful of how they show up and recognizing that the physical aspect of our lives is simply an extension of the spiritual.

Till next time!

Miraculous Yours,


©2009-2013 Emmanuel Dagher/Magnified Manifesting All Rights Reserved You are absolutely welcome to share and distribute these forecasts with others as you feel guided. Please make sure to keep the integrity of this article by including the author & source website link.

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Galactic Federation of Light The Arcturian Group May-05-2013

The Arcturian Group by Marilyn Raffaele

Greetings dear ones. We come today to tell you of the many changes we see happening in your world. Light energy is

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