Julie Miller: Message from Vesta, Solar Logos — Celebrate Who You Are!
Thanks to Wes Annac: http://aquariusparadigm.com/2013/04/26/julie-miller-message-from-vesta-solar-logos-celebrate-who-you-are/

Celebrate who you are!

Message from Vesta, Solar Logos Received by Julie Miller April 25, 2013

Precious Hearts your life is a constant renewal within a conscious set of methods discovered by you that allow you to examine your life by releasing stagnant energy through newer ways that add new excitement and vigorous energy. We see many of you looking with deep earnest to discover who you are only to realize through certain experiences they discover who they are not and what they wish to achieve from their journey. Try to remember Precious Hearts, what it is you believe to be possible does create potential opportunity and this potential will also empower your action and in turn your action will produce favourable outcomes.

Precious Hearts you are constantly surrounded by choices and one of the many choices you have before you is the capacity to change what you are not satisfied within yourself: even if that means you must make the time to reassess your dreams and plans and possibly change your course of action that will bring more uplifting and satisfying results. Definitely dear ones you can become ALL that you want to be when you are completely ready to evolve and rebirth yourself into a new phase of your life’s journey. Precious Hearts you are encouraged to allow yourself enough time to reflect on what drives your passions and what your values are. Examine and determine what your purpose is within all areas of your journey.

Honestly, think about what it is that really brings you pure happiness, what is it that fires up your passion into dynamic active energy, and discover through this quiet time of inner reflection what is most important to you — focus dear ones, you just may be amazed at what you will learn. Precious Hearts when you are setting out to learn something new, remember the importance of being absolutely clear with your intentions, envision what it is you wish to see as an outcome.

Announce your dreams and desires and make a commitment of what it is you want to do for yourself, what is it you wish to achieve or do — write your findings down and visit them, removing what you have successfully completed. When you share the dreams of your desires, other people are able to guide you into your transformation through their support. Allowing yourself to be open to ALL possibilities of what may cross your path, provides you with the opportunity to surrender yourself to the passion you have infused in the energy that is behind the goals you are working so hard to achieve.