Ann Albers: Messages From Ann And The Angels — 6 April 2013
Thanks to Wes Annac:
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My dear friends,

we love you so very much.

By all means set your intentions for life, but then release yourself from the bondage of expectations. Acknowledge your hearts desires, then in the same breath let go of how you expect they will come about. Let go of how you expect yourself to be. Let go of who you expect others to be. Embrace who you are in each moment and who others are in each moment. Embrace life in each moment.

As you learn to release your expectations you free your spirit. You stop wasting precious time and energy complaining, looking for a validation of how things should be, or comparing life to your expectations. Instead you learn to dance with life. You learn to embrace each moment as it is, and then in the very next breath decide if it is or isn’t consistent with your desired intentions. Because you are present you are able to simply say, “What do I do next? What do I say next. How can I love myself, the others, and life in this moment?”

For example, many of you expect to be treated kindly. You expect yourselves to be kind. You expect that if you are a good person you get rewarded and if you are bad you get punished. However, dear ones you live in a world with seven billion people, all of whom have free will, and all of whom are at varying degrees of their spiritual evolution. To hold others, or even yourselves to expectations of perfection is to set yourselves up for upset. Far better to say, “I intend to be kind but when I am not, I will at least be kind to myself until I get back on track.” Instead of saying, “I expect others to be kind to me,” say, “I intend to keep company only with those who are kind or with those whose unkindnesses I can avoid taking personally. I may not get to choose who crosses my path, but I can choose the company I will keep.” Instead of saying, “I have been good and I expect my reward,” say to yourself, “I am good because it is my nature to be good, and I intend to have good things come to me as well.”

There is a fine line between intending/creating, and expecting. Expectation hopes for an energy. Intention directs energy. Expectation wishes for calm waters and complains in the storm. Intention steers the ship around the storm, knowing it is already destined for calm.

See if you can live an entire day with no expectations of yourself or life. Say to yourself, “This is my intention for today. I will accept whatever comes across my path, and in the very next moment I will decide what to do to create a reality consistent with my intentions. I will not waste time complaining about life, others, or myself. I will simply say, “I am who I am. Others are who they are. Life is what it is. What’s next?” Your intentions will be the compass that steers your choices. See how your life unfolds more powerfully, with less wasted energy, and with more joy when you let go of the bondage of expectations. As your saying goes, “Life happens.” Will you accept it and move forward, or will you remain chained to the expectations you once held for it, with your mind moving in circles? Free yourselves dear ones! You hold the key.

God Bless You. We love you so very much. — The Angels