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Galactic Federation of Light Saint Germain April-14-2013

Galactic Federation of Light Saint Germain April-14-2013
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Saint Germain ~ Nesara: As you know, all new pairs of shoes have to be walked in before they feel comfortable ~ As channeled by Méline Lafont

Received on April 10, 2013

My dear ones, my friends and family, my old chelas and most especially my beautiful souls. It is once more with much delight and a substantial amount of Love that I come to share my pure energy and my essence with all of you. I am joyful and rightfully so. There are some things in the works that I very much look forward to and of which I am very proud. I am proud because it deals with certain things which are already known and going on in the higher dimensions and which will now begin their manifestation in your world of the 5th Dimension.

A lot of preparations went into this and it certainly required lots of patience and trust of all of you but we have succeeded and now it’s on its way! I am referring to a most significant project called Nesara. Everything pertaining to Nesara will now begin to take its first babysteps in its toddler’s shoes. As you know, all new pairs of shoes have to be walked in before they feel comfortable and so it is with Nesara. You have to get used to new situations. It is like crossing a small girder : you have to compose yourself and find your balance before crossing it.

This refers also to Nesara and the first steps have now been taken, it is just that we are talking about toddler’s shoes and like a toddler each step has to be taken very carefully. Although it may not be entirely obvious to you all, Nesara is an ongoing matter and everything pertaining to it will become more evident to all of you. As is generally known, Disclosure is a part of Nesara, as Nesara is way more than just the funds. Nesara also has to do with your freedom and your self-enrichment into a much higher world and dito consciousness.

The issues on which you have toiled for many years and to which I devoted myself for decennia, all come together now as the preparations are as good as done and the phase of manifestation can begin. We have reached a more acceptable timeframe and a higher degree of consciousness for us to take the first steps. Rest assured that all those steps will appear imminently thanks to the awakenings that are currently happening on a global scale.

Trust and perseverence are now of the utmost importance to persist herein, as all your positive contributions will empower this whole project. Mistrust and doubts will jeopardize, endanger and even delay this project. Doubts arise by always clinging onto the outer world in search of confirmations and evidences, whereas that which is shifting in your hearts doesn’t yet fully reflect in your current outer world. This outer world is still in creation with lower thoughts and with attempts at destroying things, so obviously it is not there that you will find your new creations nor love, hence not everything in your outer world can yet be reflected. That’s why I say to all of you : feel and find it all inside of you, there it is noticeable.

Everything that you create from your essence comes from the heart and everything that is still going on on your world is a direct result of the new creations that are emerging. Every birth entails some pains, and so does this one. All the chaos that is still rampant on your world has been predicted a while back to each of you. Therefore we kept on stressing the fact to remain centered and balanced! That’s the only reason why we kept on focussing on this and not just to sound like a broken record.

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