Montague’s Message for April 14,2013

There will come a time in the near future when you will have to make a decision as to whether to stand up for truth, or be a coward, and go with whatever you feel is the easier path. Let me assure you now, there is no easy path. The cabal has no intention of creating an easy path for anyone. When enough of you are prepared to stand together for truth and light, then the cabal will know, without doubt, that it has failed in its effort to establish the New World Order that it has spent years planning.

Ireland has just done this. The people of Ireland have come together en masse and have said a big NO! As a people, we refuse to comply with your demands. We want justice !

What is stopping other countries from coming together in this way. Ireland has created the template. They have led the way. The sooner other countries follow this example, the quicker all the suffering and fear caused by the banksters will be wiped out. There is a huge campaign going on (which involves many countries) to start World War 3. This, you can see on your televisions everyday. You are being fed so much disinformation, some of which is so ridiculous that it is hard to believe that some of you actually believe it. It is just history repeating itself over and over again. They just alter the world slightly; the name of the country changes, but it is always the same formula. Their attitude is that it has worked in the past, so why change it? The SHEEP fall for it every time. This is how controlled you are.

You need to clear your minds of all this propaganda. This can be done with meditation and by going into your hearts. Your minds have been manipulated to accept what you are told by those you believe rule you. It is important for your survival that you think with your heart and act with your heart. Leave all the mind controlled rubbish behind you. Become the sovereign beings you know that you are.

Pray for guidance and do not use the words of religions. Open your hearts and use your own words to connect with your spiritual side. Each one of you has an angel whose purpose is to be there for you. There are also spirit guides who have been assigned to help and guide you. You only have to ask. You may be surprised at the response you receive. All this can be done in the privacy of your own homes. All you need is to open your hearts to all possibilities. This is the most important step you can take at this time. It is time to become who you are – a spirit having an experience on Planet Earth. Your mission is to rescue the Earth from the evil ones who want it for themselves. You are responsible for each other. You must stand together: one for all and all for one.

The cabal knows no bounds. It has plans to control the SEEDS that produce your food. This cannot be allowed to happen. When on Earth, I did much research and lectured on this subject extensively. You must protect the Earth. You need to understand the extent to which they have destroyed your planet already. They could not have done this without your assistance.

How can you do this to your fellow man? You are actually doing it to yourselves as well. Can you not see this? You breathe their poison also. How can you look at yourselves in the mirror? When you do . . . what do you see? Are you not ashamed of what you do? What you are upholding is destroying humanity as well as your planet. Do not think for one moment that the cabal would stand up for you. You are not, nor could you ever be, one of them. They just use you. You sell your soul to them. One day this fact will become abundantly clear to you. Then, who will you look to, for help and support?