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Galactic Federation of Light El Morya April-09-2013

Galactic Federation of Light El Morya April-09-2013
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Julie Miller — El Morya — Humility: A Rare Virtue
Thanks to Wes Annac:

Julie Miller
Creating a Relationship with God

Ascended Master, El Morya’s Weekly Message ~ April 02 — 09, 2013

Received by, Julie Miller

April 02, 2013

It is only natural dear ones to have days when you find life has gone completely off balance. This can be caused by many things such as putting in too many hours at your workplace, rushing here and there, or trying to juggle certain principals into your daily life that you only barely comprehend.

There are many other distracting causes that can easily be the culprit to moments of imbalance and truthfully speaking dear ones, none of you are alone with this occasional outcome. The pressures you may feel just from your normal daily challenges will come to you heavier at times. When you find yourself feeling overwhelmed to the breaking point of frustration and inner turmoil, your inner self will subtly begin telling you it is time to reflect back to when things begun to go awry; learn how you may have become derailed and begin working at reasserting yourself back on track. Part of your life’s journey is learning to balance your mind, body, spirit within the workings of your heart.

We know dear ones how difficult this can be for some dear souls that are easily distracted or have trouble focusing on any specific principle when life has become chaotic. The resolution to rebalancing your whole self can feel intangible at times, but with constant application of self-love, going within for answers and adopting healthy thinking patterns, your path will be reclaimed balanced and clear. There are many methods to achieving a balanced life and sometimes changing your previous methods to newer ones will increase your ability to bounce back much more quickly.

Many dear souls that consider themselves spiritual will work at re-establishing their connection and relationship with God. Some begin working closer, and seek His wisdom more often, rather than following the clever words spoken by others. It is understood dear ones when you make the motion to construct a relationship with God, you will uncannily know not just in your heart but in your soul that you are no longer alone. The many dear souls that choose to live a purely spiritual life understands the importance of building a foundation that is constructed with the sacred plumes of the Threefold Flame; Love, Wisdom and Power.

As this foundation is being created through the pureness of your unconditional love, Faith and Trust in God has also been re-established. Faith and Trust in God is intimate and sacred, it is the building blocks of your eternal relationship with God, and through a grand inner knowing you come to not only realize but fully accept that God will always be there with you during each step of your journey. And He will lovingly guide and support you during the times when life seems to unravel and become occasionally imbalanced. He loves each of you dear ones.

Maintaining a sense of control is a part of many people as they toil every day where they work and sometimes during their home life. Managing a busy working timeline as well as a busy family life can definitely take its toll on the human body especially in regards to emotional and mental health that will eventually lead to physical health. Even during the busy, hustle bustle of your day, allow yourself a few minutes to take a breath, maybe close your eyes to re-center yourself, feel the sunshine even on a cloudy day — allow yourself a few minutes each day to escape and rejuvenate through positive mental exercises that will help maintain balance through your busy working day and use positive mental and emotional exercises that will benefit you in your home life as well.

Find what is helpful to you dear ones, that is non-obtrusive to your work environment and bring yourself back into a peaceful state of mind. To build a sacred relationship with God, there are no pre-requisites required, no special readings or knowledge. Just be yourself. Any one person can have a relationship with God. All that is really required dear ones is you wanting to development this deep connection with Him. Once you accept Him into your heart, mind, body and soul then He can fully begin to guide you to what you need in order to enrich your spiritual development further and to live in a more harmonic and balanced way.

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