just wanted to check in with all of you

and re-mind your heartmind

to listen if you can at least once

to #46 on the conference line before this Sunday..


many of us right now are in what feels like a “holding pattern”

or transition in a major way..

and WE ARE…

we are crossing over with our bodies!!!!!!!!


our new world is slowly yet steadily shining thru

and glimpses of what seem like little miracles are springing

forth in unison with the season……and at the same time…

the old and outdated beliefs and wounds are also

coming around once again to BE LOVED….


we were told we would have a last washing

(they said light washing)…..i wonder about that    !!!!

often it feels more like a major house cleaning …

then…a lovely breeze of love flows in and we KNOW

that we are in the flow…


Self- love is what activates our new reality…


NOW everything is known to be you

and all of it is asking for your LOVE…


that is why i am asking you to listen again

and use the tools we have been given

for these are the tools that will allow

us to co-create love’s new precious space….


We are remembering the Power of Love within us

and the Power of the Blessing of what IS….

it manifests your perfect moment when you

align with the frequency of the heart center…

unconditional love…


Love is the Power that we have given away

for eons to “the world outside of us”…


we could not OWN IT…

we were in truth afraid of the Power

and so we “let it go” so to say….


Now….we take ownership of our Reality

thus we are whole and complete…


our power awakens within that choice!!!!!!!!!


no longer can we play the victim role..that is .over….

no more guilt….over…

everyone is taken off the hook……

your mother…father…brothers..sisters…

all are taken off the hook for their only purpose

was to bring you TO THIS NOW MOMENT…


all old stories are released with love..

it is for us to let go of the old completely

by loving it and blessing it as it is given

permission to be free!!!!!!!!!


thus….you set the WORLD FREE!!!!!!!


all are forgiven and any and all resentments

or anger are let go of and given back to THE ONE LOVE


that which transmutes and transcends all things

back to Lovein another form…



~ we can never lose love…sweet one’s…

it simply changes form and we

allow that to be as it is and say



this is who we are….we are Love…

we give love


empty…empty yourself of self…

fill yourself as you “turn” within to the

Divine within you and own that divinity

as YOUR OWN…..


allow it to pour thru every cell

and atom of your being…

feel it filling you so much that it is spreading

beyond you for miles and miles…


you are extending divine love…


as you fill yourself

YOU are extending God……

feel yourself expand into the spaciousness

of all that is as you open to receive

the divine love that is waiting

on YOUR welcome…!!!!


take that deeply within…

rest within the silence and allow

it to teach you…

for all is abiding within the silence

and bursts forth from that silence…


allow yourself to feel the silence around you

and watch creation burst forth

from that space….

fill that space with YOUR divine love

and allow your world to reflect that love

back to you….


PRESENCE….be present with



there will be new tools given us to navigate

this NEW NOW…


just Know you are there

and ask of your Divine Self

to allow you to remember

true co-creation….


peace be in your hearts and in your “shoes”

as you walk on sacred ground…


begin at the end….

I am the Divine within me…

live from that knowingness….

