Date: April 12, 2013 (page 1 of 2)

Galactic Federation of Light Matthew Ward April-11-2013

Matthew’s Message — April 11, 2013
APR 12 Thanks to Wes Annac:

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April 11, 2013

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Heaven Letters April-12-2013

Heavenletter #4522 A Cartoon Representation of Love , April 12, 2013
Gloria Wendroff

God said:
Hello, dear ones. Let’s take a spin around the Universe today, a tour,

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Heavenletter #4522 A Cartoon Representation of Love , April 12, 2013


God said:

Hello, dear ones. Let’s take a spin around the Universe today, a tour, in a convertible, or on a bicycle, or on an amble by foot. We can cover the whole Universe in no time at all, for the spin We take is not subject to time. We say, “Let’s go!” And then, off We go, hightailing it out of what you presently call here when, in actuality, there is no here and there is no there. We are in the no-time zone of Eternity, and We are in the no-place zone of Infinity. We embrace, and the Universe is within Our clasp.

What do you think it means when We say no time and no place? It means exactly that. We are on a different plane altogether. We are speedless when time does not enter, and there is no where for space to obstruct, for neither place nor space nor time nor delay exist.

Love exists of itself yet not in a vacuum. Rather in Fullness, love exists, and nothing but love exists. Eternity and Infinity are not illusion. They are the Truth. There is no hustle and bustle. There are no starts and stops, nor are there detours from the love of Oneness.

Look, We are One. We are the Universe, as the song goes. We are the whole kit and caboodle which means there is nothing but Oneness, and that is love. It is immeasurable love, a fountain of love. There is love uncountable yet accounted for with no fuss and perhaps with what could be considered to you as love unimaginable, love beyond your inkling, love alone, anonymous universal love in a Universe of Love, a Universe of Light, often seen as sparkles lit up into particles, as if light can actually separate from light. Love can do no such thing. Love cannot separate itself into sparks here and sparks there.

In the world, you may scratch at the surface of Love and of Light, yet, truly, love is complete unto itself. It is not breakable into disparate pieces. Love cannot be fragmented. That is the Big Illusion, that love comes in packages easily pulled apart. Certainly, you have seen love come and go. You have seen love disappear against your will right in front of your eyes. You have observed love start and stop, as if love is a passing mood that cannot stay.

What can do this? Nothing can do this. Love is not fickle. The wholeness of love is intact. Seemingly, love is torn or splintered or wayward, but that’s a cartoon representation of love.

Energy cannot be destroyed, yet it can be seen amiss. Love can be seen as particular rather than universal. Uncomfortable with love, you can see love transmuted into pettiness and pickiness and disgruntlement and anger and temporariness, yet love itself is not even touched. Love withstands all thoughts about love and loving and being loved. Love is intact, yet world thoughts have done a number on love. Thoughts transgressed in the world have done a number on you.

Somewhere along the line, you learned to neglect your true heart. You distanced from your feelings and imposed upon them. Supposed to be became your byword. Proper behavior and standards infringed on your heart. Your mind began to manage the love in your heart and told your heart when and where love could be entertained. Your heart was told what to feel, and thoughts dominated your heart and squelched it. Ebullience got stepped on. Spontaneity was stomped on, and your beautiful heart went into disrepair.

Now We are entering the Year of Heart, and love will spill from you, and love will overtake the Earth, and love will overtake you. You will see.

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Collective of Altros April-11-2013

Nancy Tate : The Collective of Altros ~ April 11, 2013
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“Matters of the Heart” – A Jeshua, Saint-Germain, and Miriam Channel


By Alexandra and Dan

This channeling is part of a Soul purpose reading with Saint-Germain.
It's reprinted here with our client's permission.

"Dear Saint-Germain, I'm an elderly man of independent means. I've lived much of my life without the need to work for a living. I've chosen, instead, to withdraw from people; preferring to live alone. Now that I've had a heart attack, I feel that I am facing the end of my life. I'm saddened and depressed about this, and feel that I have wasted the gifts that God has given me. Can you help me, please?"

My friend, you’ve had a heart-attack, and the good news is that you are still here. I am Jeshua -- along with Saint-Germain, my dear friend, Miriam, and Alexandra and Dan. We’ve come to join you in a moment of silent reflection.

Beloved, there is nothing more to ponder. There is no “why me?” to it. The facts are that it happened, and you are here. This is all that matters. You are here because your experiences on Earth have not yet been completed. There is still more to come. Spirit has something in mind for you.

Please remember Who You Are. You are the voice and hands of God. You are here to help accomplish the Great Work. You ask us whether your time on Earth is done. Tell me, what do you feel?

After such an occurrence as yours, it is understandable to question whether your life has come to its natural end. Please know that you have reached a major turning point in your earthly sojourn, not an end to it.

A lifetime of experiences culminated for you when you had your heart attack. Now you find yourself at a crossroads, standing at the intersection of “what was, and what still could be”. Before continuing your journey, it is appropriate to consider which path you will take up. We ask you to be still for a moment and review this.

Standing at the Crossroads

First, my friend, consider that you’ve had a lifetime to recognize that you are loved by God – that you are a Child of God and loved in every moment of your very precious life. In the lifetime you have just completed, you have come to know this with certainty, and you have felt its uplifting and inspiring effects.

Secondly, you’ve had ample opportunity to listen to those around you – to feel the impact of their beliefs and to suffer from their distorted perceptions about love. You have observed how they judge you, themselves, and the world around them. How they crave, yet fail to recognize the Love of God that is there for all. You have come to know this with certainty, and you have felt its oppressive effects.

Here at the crossroads, you hold a lifetime of experiences in the balance. Now you can make a decision about them. You’ve experienced the truth of God’s Love, and the pain of its denial. You know that denial carries you downward in a spiral of fear, conflict, and strife, whereas affirmation and alignment enliven your spirits.

Since your experiences have led you to the certainty that only God’s Love is real and true, and everything else is false and unreal, your decision at the crossroads is clear. You can take up the path of joy and love, if you choose, and turn your back on the path of pain and suffering forever.

I ask you to look at your beliefs in the coming days, and release anything that no longer serves you on your New Path.

Your New Life Begins

Good friend, your heart is recovering from the pain and hurt of a lifetime. It will continue to do this, as you release your fear of being separated from God’s Love. This worry may still haunt you, and it is understandable, especially considering the trauma you have recently experienced. But this fear is not yours. It belongs to a world, and a life path, that you have left behind. Your passage in joy is assured, if you allow it. Remember this, and it will free you from the dominion of fear.

In the days of recovery that lie before you, remind yourself daily of the truth about love. This will take you into a higher, more refined awareness. Here you will perceive yourself correctly – as the perfect, and perfectly unique embodiment of God’s Love That You Are.

This true perception will bring an even greater flow of life force into your cells. It will revive your body, mind, and emotions, and help you move into the next phase of your life; because indeed, there is New Life for you here.

Cherished one, you will be of great service to God, humanity, and your ideals. We know that you have a great desire to realize a vision of peace, love, and universal brotherhood – to be in service to these grand ideals. You will receive new assignments from your Soul about this soon. But for now, I encourage you to bear witness to the miracle of your life, and allow this knowledge to revitalize you.

Your New Life begins now. Allow this to be so, and so it shall be.

Would you like to know more about your Soul's plan and purpose for your life?
Then please consider having a Soul purpose reading with Saint-Germain.

Joy and Clarity © 2007-2012, All rights reserved.

Published on Lit Corner with permission

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Denisa: hello sweet angels..the gathering..

{mainvote} just wanted to check in with all of you and re-mind your heartmind to listen if you can at least once to #46 on the conference line before this Sunday..   many of us right now are in what feels like a "holding pattern" or transiti...

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One ,Love & One Love

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Clarifying Gender Principles

Lisa Renee Dear Ascending Family, From the Guardian per [...]

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James Gilliland: The End of the Matrix


It has become increasingly obvious the old matrix, the archon network is coming to a close. Many are hanging on desperately to the old program, driven by wounds, traumas, wrong conclusions from past experiences and a false sense of self; which was pressed upon them by the matrix. Some have such an investment into the matrix it will take some real hard lessons to snap them out of it back into their Godhood. With the new grid, the 5d energies pressing hard upon the Earth along with the veils becoming thinner it will be harder and harder for the old program to continue much longer. You have to see how most have been manipulated, fooled into focusing on the outer rather than the inner for their love, joy, acceptance and approval. They have become completely divorced from soul and spirit trapped in the ego and the false self, created by the matrix.

We are in a time of choosing. Are we going to choose the upward spiral of ascension into 5D—an internal process, or hang on to the old 3D program, the external out of fear, guilt and unworthiness falsely be-lie-ving therein lies our security. There is no security in hanging on too the old world; doing so will be the greatest insecurity because it is collapsing. Your banksters have reached the height of greed with no more jobs or industry to support their system. The war industry has reached its height of weapons beyond imagination, running out of enemies with weapons they cannot even use due to annihilating all life on the planet. Governments have also reached their height of corruption, enslavement and disservice to the people. The religions have run the God outside of self and all creation, separating and disempowering people to make their own personal God connection into the ground. Corporations have run out of resources both human and Earth to exploit. This is all one big unsustainable train wreck having nowhere to go other than to collapse. Yet so many are continuing to be willing participants in their own demise. They are clinging desperately to the old world, the manipulations and programming of the matrix, their egos need out of fear and insecurity to completely dishonor their own soul and spirit. They actually believe they have control over what is about to happen.

Here is a little newsflash from the world of soul and spirit you will not hear on the lamestream news. The 3D matrix is over. It is in its death throws. God/Creator/Spirit is done with it. The Earth herself is done with it. Your soul and spirit are done with it. Your ego thinks it will continue business as usual despite the obvious lessons that it is crashing down all around you, although it is kicking and screaming desperately trying to continue. The archon network is being exposed, the external programming, the obsession with outer appearances and material acquisition as the path to happiness and security is fast coming to a close. This is why the chaos, the great uncovering of everything hidden—what is referred to as the Apocalypse—is unfolding all around you. Those resisting this change, those hanging on desperately to the ego and external trappings as their source for security, happiness, acceptance and approval are having the biggest challenges, suffering the most, yet it is all self inflicted. In each case there has been a choice and action. Each choice and action misaligned with soul and spirit is going to have severe backlashes, sometimes almost instantaneous. With some the attachment to the external is almost like a meth addiction. They just can’t kick it; the programming is to severe, the ego is hanging on so tight they are like the monkey who’s hand is in the monkey trap. For those who do not know the story the hunters catch monkeys by drilling a hole in a coconut, filling it with rice. When the monkey grabs the rice the monkey cannot get his hand out of the coconut, which is tethered to the ground. All the monkey has to do is let go and it is free. With some, they just cannot let go, have to be right, have to continue with their hand in the coconut till the hunter comes and hits them with a club.

Guess what? “The hunter is here.”

The ways of the ego, separate from soul and spirit are over. Only the illusion is left of thinking we can still save this reality. The be-lie-f that the external will provide for our security is another illusion about to be shattered. Inner awareness, inner guidance and acting on that inner guidance is the only real security in the days to come. It is in the wind, those who are sensitive, plugged into spirit know this and are fast leaving the old ways behind, creating a new world. In some cases they are having to leave friends, family and lovers behind not by their choice but by the choices and actions of their friends, families and lovers to hang on to the old ways and the old world. We cannot choose for them, take away their lessons—hard as they may be. We can only walk the path of soul and spirit as an example.

People are healing, awakening, we have to hold them in the light until they can find it for themselves. This does not mean you do not have to set boundaries, make hard choices when their choices and actions bring chaos, pain or suffering into your own lives. Being a Christ does not mean being a doormat or supporting the ego’s desires, jumping on the same train wreck they have chosen to participate in. The action/reaction principle or karma is rapidly accelerating as the 5D energies press hard upon the Earth. Universal Law is being enforced and all that which is out of alignment in choice and action will have consequences some as severe as how the choices and actions affect others. We cannot feign ignorance or dismiss this immutable law.

If your life is in the toilet, your ego drove you there along with your addictions and attachments along with the false programming of social consciousness. Only soul and spirit can drive you out. It is time to slow down. Take the time to reflect, pray, meditate get out in Nature. She is screaming—now it is time to choose a different path a different way. Be kind to each other, the planet, do unto others as you would have them do unto you. The Earth herself is going to do unto those as they have done onto her. The universe is done with the nonsense, there is nowhere to hide, it is time to take responsibility for your choices and actions, how they affect others and the environment, and clean up the mess.

Be well,
James Gilliland

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