ou are each an aspect of the Great Divine Being. You are each cells in that Great Body. And just as the cells of your body don't exactly know what you are up to all of the time, so you do not have access to the whole picture while you are immersed in physical form. It's OK. You are still part of the Whole Being that is God: All That Is: Source.

Source sees the world through every one of you. Source knows and experiences life through each of you. As we have said before, without you, Source has nowhere to go.

Why do we emphasize this so often? Because you must know, acknowledge, who you are in all of this, in order to realize it—to make it physical—and realize the fullness of your potential here. And the Source of All wants you to figure it out so that you express more, live more, experience more. You cannot fulfill your potential while you regard yourself as a little speck, or see yourself as somehow insignificant; it's just not true.

You are God. If that is too much for you, then think of God as being you; you are a microcosmic reflection and reenactment of All That Is. God realizes Himself through you. The universe is woefully incomplete without you.

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