When the final push for saving life on the planet becomes paramount in the minds of every human being on the place you now call home, we will be with you. It is not for us to say when that will be, for we can't control your decision to awaken, only encourage it. This is your realm of control, dear ones, not ours or anyone else's. There are free-thinkers and there are followers and there is everything in between, and there are those that have a vested interest in the continuance of your slumber. Be vigilant, for the dawn is peeking through the curtains of night and death is flying back to its lair for internal growth gone out of control. You have nothing to fear from us, our friends, sense this in your beingness. We have nothing to fear from the old enemies of humanity. There is nothing that need fear, but fear itself, for fear's days are numbered now.

High in the skies above we are, and with you in spirit and in the real world we are as well. We have never really left this world you are in, for your fate is entwined with our own in the sense that there is a blood recognition in frequency and the entirety of our love has been for the eventual reunion with the parts of soul that have needed reintegration into the harmonic of one. It is in our blood to long for this, and the field of resonance in this longing also has an overtone that tickles the soul of humanity on Earth to wield its internal light in the relentless movement toward the inner teeming chorus that goes into ecstasy in the face of the divinity it encounters within its individuated personalities that populate the planet and await the return to wholeness in accordance with the truth of Love in all things. You are familiar with this feeling, are you not? When it arises is when the feeling of freedom also shows itself, and power comes into being from within. Home is the closest frequency we can mention in relation to this phenomenon of self-recognition.

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