Let us just start todays missive off by saying that we are indeed very proud of your accomplishments dear ones. You have managed to take it all in your stride, and we do applaud you for your never ending efforts. This is a mighty undertaking indeed, and even if you yourselves cannot yet see the end of it, we do, and that is a beautiful sight indeed. Yes, it is a sight, not a mere apparation, as in so many ways the end product is already manifest. You see, we operate on simultaneous timelines, therefore we can see what you can not. And what we see gives more than reason to rejoice. As some of you might be aware of, multiple timelines means multiple choices, and you have, by your actions, chosen well. You have chosen the brightest of them all, and that will be apparent to you all in a not too distant future. This might sound complicated, but for those of you with some knowledge of quantum theory, you know that you inhabit a world where every second, every decision you make send you off in a new direction. You are literally swimming in a sea of possibilities, and now, enough of you have made a conscious decision to choose at the lighter end of the scale to make that option feasible once more on your planet.

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