May 1st, 2012

My Beloved. A lot has happened in recent days that has not yet been integrated into your media. Do not lose patience, everything is developing as it should be, according to the divine plan.

Until the events will be evident, I ask you to help your mother Gaia. She is in the middle of the cleaning process and still needs so much love and light to the necessary work to do it as smoothly as possible. Send her your love, encase her with it, and anchor your light through your rootchakra deep into the heart of Gaia. At the same time you ground yourselves.

You can also help your fellow men, by sending them your light and love. You help them wake up and to bring the healing process into motion. For your own healing process call us angels for help. We are happy to help you, but you must ask ourselves, because we have to respect your free will. The laws of the Universe will not allow it, unless your life would be threatened before the end of your life contract.

As the Archangel of Healing, I am always ready when you call me. I love to help you, because I love you infinitely.

I am Raphael.