Selamat Jarin! We return! Your world is inching ever closer to the sacred shift point. The last vestiges of what needs to be done are now in play. The dark cabalists know that their arrests will shortly commence and so they are busy ramping up global chaos in the vain hope that these imbecilic activities will delay the inevitable. We monitor these goings-on and take note of whom it is who is following these orders to disrupt and distort the fragile nature of various parts of your world. Southern Europe and the Middle East are only two particular trouble spots on your globe. Meanwhile, various financial institutions and national governments are on the verge of collapse, and these constitute the true time bombs that have the dark on tenterhooks. This situation is about to become public and, therefore, news that the dark-controlled media can no longer ignore. This shocking reality will put in train the events that we have long awaited. The new governance is to come into being as the old order is taken down, and the prosperity funding will at long last be delivered!
The momentum toward financial and personal freedom cannot be stopped. A grand upwelling is gathering more and more strength as the days go by. The peoples of Gaia are demanding that the shackles long binding them to their former dark lords be forever severed, to be replaced by an ever-growing freedom coupled with responsible sovereignty which are to restore the precious interactive ties between Gaia and you. This reinstated relationship marks the beginning of the final leg of your journey back to full consciousness. We come at this right sacred moment to assist you openly in reuniting with your cousins from Inner Earth. The Agarthans have long associated with your Ascended Masters and intend, together, to help you in returning swiftly to your natural fully conscious state. We are all one grand family that spans this galaxy and indeed, the whole of physical Creation. This first contact mission is, in essence, a homecoming celebration for you and your extended human family.
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