6 May 2012

Shelley Young

Shelley's Note: If you would like to receive Archangel Gabriel's daily channeled messages for free, please "like" Trinity Esoterics on Facebook or follow us on twitter @trinityesoteric.

April 30, 2012

Remember, Dear Ones, that there is always flow and movement. If you are not experiencing it in your physical reality, know with certainty that there is still movement "behind the scenes" if you will, that is just waiting to burst into your reality when the timing is divine. By staying out of frustration and keeping an attitude of acceptance and ease, you will embrace the entirety of the flow and avoid discomfort for yourself. ~Archangel Gabriel

May 1, 2012

Dear Ones, we cannot stress this enough. Deep in your centre lies your truth. No matter what anyone may try to say to you, you can access that truth. It is not about getting messages from guides. It is an inner knowingness that exists at your core. You simply cannot make a mistake listening to that inner truth. It is your internal guidance system, and it will always lead you for your highest good. Give yourself permission to be the expert on you. ~Archangel Gabriel

May 2, 2012

Let us be clear. Staying true to what you know to be best for you and your own unique path does not mean you are being difficult or argumentative. Enlightening human beings strongly dislike discord and will go out of their way to avoid it. Standing up for yourself is not about ego or control, nor is it about needing to be right. It is about calmly and firmly honouring what is right for you, as the qualified expert of your life expression. ~Archangel Gabriel

May 3, 2012

You are entering into a time period that is ripe with potential for releasing and energetic adjustment. We remind you, if old emotions come up to the surface, understand they are leaving. Do not attach to them or attempt to stuff them down! Instead, why not treat it like a parade? Wave at them merrily, cheering as they pass you by, knowing they are not your energetic match any longer. That is to be celebrated! As well, you may find your sleep being disturbed. We understand this can be disconcerting to you, Dear Ones. Surrender to the process and trust that there is a higher purpose to it all. You may simply ask your guides or angels to infuse you with energy so you can meet your obligations the following day with ease. ~Archangel Gabriel

May 4, 2012

Those of the human expression often have an idea that it is somehow noble to deny what you really want. Dear Ones, please hear us when we tell you there are no special points for denying yourselves anything! In fact, your denying of self often holds back your growth. The activities that bring you joy should be honoured and placed high in importance. It is through the activities that bring you joy that you connect with Source and anchor the very energies required for the creation of the New Earth. We urge you, try many things! Expand your vision and experiences! And if you find something that brings you joy, see it as a neon arrow from the universe that points the way on your path. The old paradigm of suffering is done. The path you are seeking is the path of joy. ~Archangel Gabriel

May 5, 2012

Do you hold a piece of yourself back from your creations? For example, do you try to create your heart's desires for your life but reserve believing in it completely, just in case it doesn't come to fruition so you won't be disappointed? Do you believe, truly believe, that you can have true love in your life? True prosperity? A joy filled career? Perfect health? Do you believe with ALL of your being? Your deeply ingrained conditioning has trained you to always keep part of yourself back, just in case things don't happen the way you would like. And it is that small, "just in case" part of yourself that stands between you and all your dreams coming true. The energies, right now, are incredibly supportive of letting that go once and for all. Dear Ones, don't be afraid. You are ready to start wholeheartedly creating and living the life you wish to live. There is an entire universe filled with all of your hopes and dreams just waiting for you. ~Archangel Gabriel

May 6, 2012

We often speak of the importance of the flow. What is so beautiful about the flow is the fact that it is completely self adjusting, always finding the way to your highest good, in the most direct way possible, regardless of what the conditions may be. It allows you to surrender with complete trust, assured that the universe has wrapped you up like the precious cargo that you are and is taking care of everything, as you participate through your surrender, intent, trust and gratitude. As long as you can stay in that glorious place of surrender, you can step out of the energies of fear, resistance and worry and simply BE. It is like a wonderful vacation for your soul. ~Archangel Gabriel

Archangel Gabriel thru Shelley Young
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