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Akashic Records – May 2012

1 May 2012

Channeler: Jen Eramith MA

What energy and experiences can we expect in May 2012?

The energy this month gets really big. You will likely find that everything feels amplified. The easy things will feel better and the difficult things will feel worse. Everything will feel and look more extreme to you this month. That is because energetically, things are bigger. They have a larger energetic imprint or a stronger vibration than they normally do this month. There is a big feeling of expansion and this might be overwhelming for many of you, but it is not harmful and none of you are being held back. In fact, everything is moving so quickly this month that you will find yourself being very aware of what is holding you back or what is blocking you in your personal life. It is not because that block has gotten bigger, but because you are moving faster so the way it holds you back is stronger. The block has not become stronger, you are moving faster. That is what makes the difference.

This month, be willing to acknowledge what is standing in your way. Really look at how you hold resistance and how resistance occurs in your life. Consider what you resist or avoid — things that are good for you, things that are bad for you, people, whatever it might be. There is a difference between saying no to something and resisting it. If you say no and walk away and let it go, then you are not resisting. But if you say no over and over again, yet you never really walk away then you are resisting. If you keep the thing in your life so that you can keep pushing on it or saying no, then you are resisting. Really explore resistance this month. Explore how you do it, where you still get wrapped up in it and how you might be able to finally let it go and accept – either accept the changes you need to make or accept the situation as it is, but accept something so that you can move on with it. That is the best way to use this expansive energy this month because your blocks and your resistance will be more apparent to you than ever before.

What specific tools and actions can we take in our lives to make the best of this energy in May 2012?

There are a few things that are going to serve you this month. One of them is to have patience and understanding for yourself when you see what is blocking you. Also have patience for others. As much as you might be feeling frustrated with your own blocks and resistance, just imagine how it is going for the people around you who have not read this message and do not know what to expect. There will be people all around you who are feeling frustrated. They want to move forward but something invisible is standing in their way. They are going to start to blame you or other people, or they will blame things that are beyond their control instead of looking at what habits they are holding that stand in the way. You will see frustration around you, so holding patience and kindness for others will get you far this month. It will be very helpful. It is kind of putting lubrication in the wheels. It is going to help everything go smoother and help everyone cool down and calm down. Just having patience and understanding for others will be enough – do not try to solve problems for others.

For your own path, here is an activity you can use to help uncover some of your resistance and finally move past it. When you have a problem or an issue or something that is not going right for you, sit down with a pen and piece of paper and begin this activity. Write down the issue. For instance, you might write “My brother is driving me crazy,” or “My children will not clean their room.” Whatever it might be, write down the situation in one or two simple sentences.

Step two is to ask the question, “How long has this been going on? How long has this particular kind of situation been happening?” Write the answer.

Step three is to write the answer to “What emotion do I feel when this situation is at its very worst? When this kind of situation is at the very hardest part, what emotion do I feel?” With step three, resist the urge to elaborate. Choose one or two simple words: anger, frustration, overwhelmed, powerless, restless, tired, etc. Whatever it might be, write one or two simple words, do not elaborate too much. The more simple you make this, the more easily you will work with it later on.

Step four is to write how you wish it would resolve. Write down your perfect fantasy for how this might resolve. For instance, you might write “My brother apologizes and starts behaving differently,” or, “My kids clean their room without being asked, then clean the kitchen, too!” Write down in detail exactly how you want this to go better.

Step five is to write down the emotion you think you will have when that imaginary solution occurs. Write down the emotion that you are hoping to feel about this — that you are waiting to feel. As with step three, so not elaborate. One or two simple words will work best.

Step six is to take the two emotions from step three and step five and write them down. Write down the worst of what this feels like and the best of what you want to feel emotionally once it was resolved. Ask yourself, “Aside from this situation, when do I feel this in my life? When I feel the word from step three, how can I, all by myself, find a way to feel step five?” For instance, when you feel frustrated, what can you do to feel happy? What helps you feel happy? Do you go for a walk? Do you eat a cookie? Do you call your best friend? Whatever it might be, write a few things that you have done in your life where you have successfully felt the first thing and turned it into the second thing. Do not try to resolve the current situation. Think of other times in your life when you have succeeded in changing how you feel, regardless of the situation.

Once you have completed step six, you have isolated the deeper context for the situation and uncovered the emotions inside of you that you are resisting. There is a part of you that does not want to feel the emotion in step three, so you are waiting for step five to occur. You have attached those emotions to the current situation, and now you are stuck waiting for the situation to help you change how you feel. Instead, your ability to move from one emotion to another is completely in your hands. This does not mean that you will can control your emotions and avoid frustration forever. What it means is that every time a difficult emotion arises, you have the power to learn from the situation and then you have the power to move on. When you have the same unsatisfactory experience over and over again, it is often because you are stuck in a cycle of waiting for the situation to change how you feel rather than using your own power to change how you feel.

This exercise will not give you an immediate solution for the situation, because in the end the situation is going to resolve based on your and everyone else's behavior too. This exercise will enable you to be more relaxed amidst the current situation, and this will make room for others to stop resisting you. Once you let go of your emotional and energetic resistance to whatever you are feeling in the situation, you can make room for other people to behave better. You must embrace and take full accountability for the emotions you are feeling and the way you have put yourself on hold for the situation. That is where
your resistance exists. Once you complete the six steps in the exercise, you can walk away, throw away the piece of paper, and you are finished. You do not need to plan to do anything differently with the situation immediately. But what you will find is that the situation will start to shift; that you will find yourself spending less time holding that situation in place. For instance, you will spend less time arguing with your kids about cleaning their room. You will spend less time talking to your brother who is bothering you. Instead, you will find yourself naturally backing away and seeking ways to cultivate the feelings you listed in step five. And then the people around you will adjust accordingly. They will change things. It might not be perfect for you, but it might be good enough or it may be even better than you ever dreamed. You cannot control their behavior, but you can break the pattern of waiting or resisting that initial emotion.

This month, none of you can afford to stay in the behaviors that hold you back. You will need to do something different and this is something different. This will lead to resolution for some situations and not for others, but it will shed a little bit of light and move the energy for every situation to make more room for you to be free.

This Message was channeled from the Akashic Records by Jen Eramith MA through Akashic Transformations.

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